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CESR registration

The application process when choosing the CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration) route.


The standard for a CESR in the CCT specialty of clinical radiology focuses on the Knowledge, Skills and Experience (KSE) needed for practising as an eligible specialist in the United Kingdom. The GMC website has the latest Specialty Specific Guidance (SSG).

In providing you with advice and guidance in respect of your CESR application, we cannot give guarantees or opinions as to the likelihood of your application being successful, nor can any such advice guarantee success in any application.

Doctors must be registered on the GMC’s Specialist Register to take up a substantive (permanent), fixed-term, or honorary NHS consultant post. If you haven't completed training in the UK or don't have an acceptable EEA or Swiss qualification (see below), you should apply for a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) to obtain specialist registration. Please see below for information about the CESR processes.

Stage 1.

Make your application

You need to make your CESR application to the GMC, using the dedicated online application process.  Open a GMC Online account and upload all your evidence electronically, as requested in the online application. Anything recorded in Kaizen or in any other ePortfolio won't be transferred into a CESR application.

Apply for the portfolio pathway

Step 2.

Application sent to us

The GMC will send your completed application to us for specialist evaluation. We make a recommendation to the GMC as to whether the application should be approved, but the GMC makes the final decision.

Step 3.

The decision

Once we have reviewed the application and submitted our evaluation to the GMC, they then spend some time reaching a final decision.

In total, the process can take around 2-3 months before you are informed of the final decision.

How to apply

FAQs for CESR applicants

Your application is made directly to the GMC using their dedicated online application process. Please see the GMC website for further information on how to apply.

Hints and tips for CESR applicants in clinical radiology: advice from assessors to help you succeed

Watch our webinar guiding you through the CESR/Portfolio Pathway with advice on how to succeed

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