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Are you ready to lead and shape the future of clinical radiology and clinical oncology – and make a difference to improving patient care?

As President of the RCR, you will be at the forefront of steering our strategic direction and enhancing the external profile of the College. This prestigious position involves chairing the Trustee Board, engaging with Fellows and members in the UK and worldwide, and representing the College at high-level meetings with government, the NHS and international healthcare bodies. 

This is a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on our specialties for the benefit of our Fellows and members. As President, you will also work closely with other Medical Royal Colleges and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, leveraging a unified voice to influence government policies and healthcare funding. 

The next President will serve a three-year term beginning on 1 September 2025. 

Download the candidate pack for full details of the nomination process, requirements and the role description. Nominations are open until 9 December 2024.

Presidential election nomination form

In Conversation with RCR President Dr Katharine Halliday