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Undergraduate Radiology Ambassadors

Are you passionate about inspiring the next generation of radiologists? Are you actively involved in undergraduate radiology education, keen to share best practice and connect with like-minded educators? If so, we invite you to join our network of undergraduate radiology ambassadors.

Promoting radiology education within undergraduate medical degree courses is critical to inspiring the next generation of radiologists into our profession. With the advent of the Medical Licencing Assessment and inclusion of radiology learning outcomes in the undergraduate curriculum, now is an exciting period for promoting the expansion of radiology education within medical schools.  Weare updating our undergraduate engagement activities and building a network of undergraduate radiology ambassadors that will include consultants, SAS doctors, and trainees who would like to work with us to further promote our specialty.

Through this new ambassador’s network, we will aim to promote examples of best practice in undergraduate education and facilitate the sharing of ideas and resources to the widest possible audience. We will also recruit members from our ambassador’s network to form specific task groups, for example to help with the RCR undergraduate curriculum updates or assess the annual undergraduate awards and bursaries.  

What's involved?

Undergraduate radiology ambassadors will be responsible for activities promoting radiology in UK medical schools, which will include:

  • Working with the us and other undergraduate radiology ambassadors to share resources and best practice in undergraduate radiology education 
  • Representing the RCR and radiology in UK medical schools
  • Actively seeking opportunities to promote radiology at undergraduate level 
  • Assisting with review of our undergraduate curriculum
  • Acting as an assessor for our annual undergraduate awards and bursaries.

What support will I receive?

The undergraduate radiology ambassadors will be supported by the RCR’s Medical Director, Education and Training, RCR Undergraduate Radiology Lead and staff from the Workforce Development and Training team who can provide expertise in promoting clinical radiology 
This is a voluntary role and we do not provide direct remuneration for this post, however we do offer financial assistance with travel to any RCR meetings associated with the role.

Who is eligible?

Undergraduate radiology ambassadors should be radiology consultants, SAS doctors, or specialty trainees who are actively involved in undergraduate radiology education in UK medical schools.  They should be RCR members or fellows, resident in the United Kingdom and hold a current licence to practise with the General Medical Council (GMC). They should have a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in practice and education.

Interested applicants are welcome to contact us to discuss the role.


  • Contribute to your college and faculty's undergraduate radiology offering, help promote radiology at undergraduate level, and support undergraduate medical students with an interest in radiology
  • Collaborate with and learn from Fellows, members and partners working across UK medical schools
  • Use the title 'RCR Undergraduate Radiology Ambassador' to share your experience with professional connections (in line with RCR guidance)

How to apply

If you are interested in becoming an RCR undergraduate radiology ambassador then please email [email protected], with a brief description of your current activities in undergraduate education and your current CV.  Your application will be reviewed by the Medical Director, Education and Training, and RCR Undergraduate Radiology Lead.  

We plan to welcome our undergraduate ambassadors to the team with a meeting at the RCR on 20 September 2024, but applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis.

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