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Clinical Oncology Academic Committee

The Clinical Oncology Academic Committee seeks to advise the Faculty on matters relating to academic development and Clinical Oncology research.

Eligibility and terms of office

All clinical members of the Academic Committee must hold a current licence to practise and be in active clinical practice. Those actively undertaking research or in an academic position are preferred. Members serve on the Committee for an initial term of three years which can be extended subject to mutual agreement.

We are seeking two appointed members to join the Academic Committee and invite applications from research-active clinical oncologists from university departments, including those who are research-active in the field of Radiation Oncology and clinician scientists in the field of oncological sciences from relevant academic institutions

Time commitment

The main responsibilities of Academic Committee members are to attend the three meetings held each year, to read papers in advance and to contribute to discussions. Two out of three meetings are virtual, with one being in-person at the Royal College of Radiologists, London. The time commitment for each meeting would be 2 hours plus travelling time and the time required for reading of papers in preparation. In addition, members may be asked to attend other meetings to represent the Committee and to contribute to electronic discussions on relevant topics outside meetings. Travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the College's travel and expenses policy.

The first meeting of the CO Academic Committee that the post-holder will attend will take place in-person on Thursday 19 September 2024. If you are applying for the above position, please reserve this date in your diary.

Role description & responsibilities

Members of the Academic Committee are expected to contribute to discussion on all matters relating to academic development and Clinical Oncology research and to assist the RCR in encouraging and fostering research in Clinical Oncology. The committee is particularly keen to support the development of academic pathways for trainees.

Members will be required to take an active part in the wider role and responsibilities of the Committee as a whole, full details can be found in the Terms of Reference.

Selection criteria and process

Applicants are asked to submit a short CV and a brief statement outlining their experience in clinical oncology research, and their particular areas of interest in relation to encouraging research in the specialty. Please submit your application to the Governance Assistant by 5pm on Monday 8 July. Applications will be assessed by the Chair of the Academic Committee and the Vice-President of the Faculty in consultation with the Medical Director, Education and Training of the Faculty.