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Values & strategy

The RCR's values guide how it achieves its aim of improving the quality of care in clinical radiology and clinical oncology for the benefit of patients and the public.


The Compact below has been developed to enhance collaborative working across all College activities as well as to support the priority for and commitment to wellbeing for Fellows, members and staff alike.

Annual reports & Trustees’ reports

Each year, the RCR's Annual Report provides us with an opportuity to feedback on our remit; to lead, educate and support doctors who are training and working in the specialties of clinical oncology and clinical radiology.

Plagiarism policy

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) is committed to the publication of high quality original content that aligns with its values and charitable objects.

RCR contributors: Contributor code of conduct

The RCR values greatly the time its members, Fellows and external contributors give to the College.

The RCR Educational Bursary Fund

Applications are invited from Members and Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology of the Royal College of Radiologists who hold a substantive post of any grade in the United Kingdom.

RCR contributors: Problem Solving Policy and process

Contributors are vital to the RCR and play a key role in supporting excellence in medical imaging and cancer treatment.

Adequate Contrast Enhancement of CT Pulmonary Angiograms

Suboptimal enhancement of CT pulmonary angiograms leads to non diagnostic studies and therefore unnecessary exposure to contrast and radiation, in addition to putting patient safety at risk by delaying diagnosis.

FRCR Part 2B (Oncology) - CO2B - assessment blueprint

Details of the assessment blueprint for the FRCR Part 2B (Oncology) exam.

Minimising radiation dose in computed tomography of kidneys, ureters and bladder (CT-KUB) [QSI Ref: XR-514]

In patients with acute flank pain CT KUB is the favoured imaging technique to confirm the diagnosis of urinary tract calculi, in accordance with the Royal College of Radiologists and British Association of Urological Surgeons guidelines. The equivalent dose can be reduced by minimising the size of the scan field with many authors quoting the upper border of T12 as an appropriate landmark to commence the examination.