Radiology reporting networks Understanding the technical options
Date: 2022
Date of next review: 2026
This document specifies what imaging departments could link to a radiology (image and report sharing) network. It has been written by NHS radiologists with the help of industry experts; the detail is beyond what most radiologists will require but hopefully it will be of use to clinical PACS leads, PACS and IT teams when they begin to procure standards-based, vendor-neutral, seamlessly interoperable network radiology platforms (NRPs).
It is important to look at the needs of referring clinicians when designing these networks. Clinicians will benefit from having access to a networked radiology platform, although they will have a marginally different set of requirements and objectives for accessing the platform than radiologists. The real winners from this approach will be patients, who will hopefully access timely high-quality imaging reviews by radiologists and clinicians who have access to all of the relevant information.