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FRCR Part 2B (Oncology) exam reform

The RCR has reformed the CO2B exam as part of its quality assurance measures to ensure it aligns with the clinical oncology curriculum 2021 and meets the General Medical Council (GMC) standards for assessment.

These changes include improvements in exam quality, while the remote delivery of the exam via video conferencing is now permanent to help facilitate potential future increases in candidate capacity.

It’s important to note that there is no change in the type and level of content in the exam for candidates.

The main areas of change are to the format and structure of the exam, as well as the marking system for scoring candidates. The exam will be assessing the same broad skills but across a new format of 12 assessment stations.

The FRCR Part B exam marks an important step in the progression of a clinical oncology trainee towards the ability to use their knowledge and skills as an independent practitioner. The exam provides the public with an assurance that oncologists in training are being assessed to a consistently high standard and that the holders of the Fellowship have achieved a nationally recognised high quality of clinical performance.  

The exam assesses a candidate’s oncological skills, all of which are considered necessary for safe and effective clinical practice. 

Dr Rachel Cooper, Medical Director, Education and Training, Clinical Oncology, said: “Reforming the 2B exam has been a huge achievement, aligning the content and assessment with the current curriculum and also day-to-day clinical oncology practice. It has been exciting to work collaboratively with trainees, examiners and specialists in assessment to develop what I believe is a high quality and relevant exam for current and future trainees.”