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Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI)

Supporting and enabling quality improvement in imaging services.

Become a QSI Quality Mark Reviewer

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We're recruiting for Quality Mark Reviewers to join our Quality Mark Review teams. Find out more about the role and apply below.

Become an Expert Reviewer

QSI is a developmental standard and underpins the colleges’ vision that all providers of imaging services be invested in a continuous quality improvement journey. QSI allows services to evaluate their performance and develop where needed to continually improve patient experience and outcomes.

QSI represents the judgements of panels of lay representatives, radiographers, radiologists, medical physicists, and sonographers who have overseen its creation and revision. It reflects wide consultation and valuable comments and suggestions received from professional colleagues, relevant UK government agencies and professional and regulatory bodies.

QSI sets out best practice to improve patient care and outcomes. Accreditation against the standard has been and will continue to be the hallmark of a quality imaging service. Clinical practice is a continually evolving field, and the QSI will be independently reviewed every four years.

Here are some of the benefits that QSI can bring to your service:

Recognised quality indicator for imaging services

Compliance with regulation and guidance

Networking opportunities and sharing good practice with other imaging services

Framework for delivering high quality and patient focused care

Supports building teamwork and collaboration across the whole department

High level of service user satisfaction and confidence

Improves and assures efficiency and validity of services

Independent recognition ‘badge of quality’

Enables continuous quality improvement

Offers assurance of the service – both internally and externally

Improved staff retention and recruitment

Potential market advantage.​​​

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  • Recognised quality indicator for imaging services

  • Compliance with regulation and guidance

  • Networking opportunities and sharing good practice with other imaging services

  • Framework for delivering high quality and patient focused care

  • Supports building teamwork and collaboration across the whole department

  • High level of service user satisfaction and confidence

  • Improves and assures efficiency and validity of services

  • Independent recognition ‘badge of quality’

  • Enables continuous quality improvement

  • Offers assurance of the service – both internally and externally

  • Improved staff retention and recruitment

  • Potential market advantage.​​​


Quality Improvement Scheme

In July 2023 we - the College of Radiographers (CoR) and the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) - announced our plans to enhance the support we provide to services implementing the Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI) through a QSI Quality Improvement Network and an in-house assessment scheme.

We know that colleagues who are delivering and developing services up and down the country are working tirelessly under challenging conditions to deliver the best service they can for patients. Our new scheme will harness innovative practice and support colleagues in making connections and learning from each other as they continue their commitment to quality improvement. We are committed to ensuring that the scheme we run is accessible, supportive, and affordable.

Over the summer we engaged with almost 200 representatives from the imaging community and your suggestions and challenges have helped to shape our plans into a scheme that we are excited to develop into 2024. We thank all those who participated in these discussions and look forward to working with you all.

The Quality Standard for Imaging: Quality Improvement Scheme sets out:

1. The background to our decision to launch an alternative scheme;

2.  An overview of our scheme and how much it will cost;

3.  An outline of the key feedback we received and the actions we have taken as a result; and

4.   The next steps we will be taking, and how services can join us.

If you haven’t been in contact with us regarding our plans and what they mean for your service, or if you have any specific questions or concerns you’d like to discuss, please contact [email protected] to arrange a call with one of our QI Partners.

Quotation Request Form - QSI Quality Mark 

Please complete this form as fully as possible to obtain a quotation for your service.

Request quotation


The QSI Hub provides support to imaging services and their QSI leads in the delivery of the Colleges’ Quality Mark scheme. Membership of the QSI Hub is available to all UK imaging services working towards meeting the Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI). 

Find out more


Helping you reach your goals – support for the QSI

The Colleges are continually developing a range of supporting resources such as guidance and best practice documents and using these documents will support services in achieving accreditation. Ongoing colleges support is available via the QIP’s and other college staff.

Quality Improvement Partner

The Quality Improvement Partners (QIP’s) are available by email, phone or to visit your department where appropriate to provide advice and to support you through the QSI process

Development and Support tool

The development and support tool has been designed to help services assess themselves against the QSI and provides examples of evidence required to meet the standard.

Online network

Further resources, advice and support are available through the FutureNHS QSI platform along with information on our regular monthly meetings and dates for training/networking days.

QSI monthly meetings

Regular QSI meetings covering a range of topics, including ultrasound QA, IR(ME)R and more

Introduction to QSI

This presentation is to provide support to services and leads who are just starting their QSI journey. It includes presentations from the QIPs and experienced QSI leads and is designed to help you identify your next steps.

If you would like more information or to join any of these sessions, please email

Alongside these resources, there is a range of templates and guides that services may find helpful and can be used as a guide:

The Quality Standard for Imaging networks

With the national direction of developing imaging networks across the UK, The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and The College of Radiographers (CoR) have been working to develop the Quality Standard for Imaging Networks (QSIN). The QSIN is written to stand alone; and emerging or nascent networks can use it to help develop their governance and quality improvement processes.

Find out more

Other common questions

*QSI is copyright to IQI Limited (a collaboration between RCR and CoR)