Clinical Imaging Board
The Clinical Imaging Board (CIB) was established in September 2013 by The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), the Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR) and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM).
The Board’s objectives are to:
- Provide professional leadership for, input to and influence over imaging services and development across all four UK countries at policy, strategic and operational levels
- Set standards and issue guidance where appropriate on an inter-professional basis
- Act as a resource for Health Departments in all four countries of the UK in developing policy and strategy with reference to imaging services
- Plan and implement cross-professional training and education initiatives including leadership
- Advise on quality and safety of imaging services including the promotion of service accreditation
- Develop, promulgate and maintain a UK wide perspective on the imaging workforce and future requirements
- Ensure that imaging services develop and take advantage of innovation and opportunities
- Encourage collaborative research to enhance evidence-based practice and its rapid diffusion into clinical practice.

Terms of reference
The three professional bodies active in medical imaging – the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and the Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR) – came together in 2013 to establish the Clinical Imaging Board. The Board provides an ongoing forum to support the development of imaging services, continuing the work of the former National Imaging Clinical Advisory Group in England and extending that work across other UK countries. The aim is to ensure the ongoing delivery and development of high quality imaging services for patients.
Purpose and Remit
The main purpose of the Clinical Imaging Board (CIB) is to provide guidance, oversight and support for imaging services across the UK in delivering high quality patient-safe imaging services.
The Board’s objectives include:
- Providing professional leadership for, input to and influence over imaging services and development across all four UK countries at policy, strategic and operational levels in matters of importance to the entire imaging team;
- Setting standards and issuing guidance where appropriate for the entire imaging team;
- Acting as the go to resource for stakeholders in all four countries of the UK in developing policy and strategy with reference to imaging services;
- Planning and implementing cross-professional training and education initiatives;
- Advising on quality and safety of imaging services including the promotion of service accreditation;
- Developing, maintaining and promoting widely a UK-wide perspective on the imaging workforce and future requirements;
- Supporting - through the activities underpinning objectives 1-6 above - imaging services to develop and take advantage of innovation and opportunities; and
- Encouraging, supporting and collaborating on multi-disciplinary research initiatives focused on improving evidence-based practice for patient care and/or service delivery.
- Commissioning individual pieces of work as required.
Operation of the Clinical Imaging Board
The Board will draw its membership from the three professional bodies most closely involved in the planning and delivery of imaging services. Additional members may be co-opted as required, for as long as is necessary in respect of their specific role on the Board. If after three years they continue to be co-opted, consideration to be given as to whether they remain co-opted or should become core membership.
Core group members:
- Three representatives of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
- Three representatives of the Royal College of Radiologists
- Three representative of the Society and College of Radiographers
With the agreement of the wider Board, bodies may bring additional member(s) should their involvement be deemed necessary for the items for discussion.
Additional members:
- One representative of Public Health England
- One representative of the Care Quality Commission.
When a vote or decision is needed, this will be taken by the core group members of the Board.
Board members are nominated by their organisations and will serve a term appropriate to their role within those organisations. The core group will agree invitations for representatives from other key stakeholder bodies and individuals. These may be on a standing or time-limited basis.
Representatives may nominate a deputy to attend meetings of the Clinical Imaging Board on any occasions when they are themselves unable to attend.
Membership of the Board should be reviewed on a regular basis.
Lay representatives will be invited to join working parties as appropriate.
The Chair will be appointed from the core membership, and will rotate between the three professional bodies, as agreed by the Board. The term of office for the Chair is one year (three meetings).
The duration of the term of the Chair will be reviewed once in every cycle of rotation.
Administrative support is provided by the RCR, and is funded equally by the three professional bodies, as agreed under the Memorandum of Understanding.
To be quorate, meetings of the Board must include at least one representative from each of the three professional bodies; otherwise the meeting should not proceed. If a meeting which was anticipated to be quorate transpires to be inquorate those in attendance will decide whether the meeting should go ahead. Definitive decisions will not be taken, but recommendations may be made for the entire board to discuss and potentially agree via email. Decisions would then be minuted at the next quorate meeting.
Frequency of meetings
The Clinical Imaging Board will meet three times a year.
The costs and other expenses incurred by members attending meetings, or associated activities of the Clinical Imaging Board, are met by the appropriate professional body or nominating organisation.
Costs incurred by the Clinical Imaging Board, such as costs involved with publications, will be shared equally by the three professional bodies.
Costs associated with any other activities or projects will be determined by the Clinical Imaging Board as appropriate with the approval of each respective body.
Updated February 2021
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