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RCR NIHR Joint Workshops

On December 13 2023, we hosted a joint workshop with the National Institute for Health and Care Research.

On December 13 2023, we hosted a joint workshop with the National Institute for Health and Care Research, exploring the work of AI within healthcare.

Facilitating the use of routine data to evaluate AI solutions: Data curation workshop was the topic informing a number of engaging presentations. 

To watch, select a specific video from the selection at the bottom of the page.  

Ethical approval for real world analysis of de-identified clinical imaging data

Practicalities of data sharing and strategies to increase the chances of success

Quality Assurance: learning from the RTTQA group

Pseudonymisation and data linkage: A conversation continued

Setting up a data management committee

The NHS Secure Data Environments

Industry perspective: Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI)

Where should we store data for imaging studies? NHS vs academia? On-prem vs cloud?

Routine imaging data to evaluate AI solutions

Data curation and AI evaluation at the local level: a 3D imaging lab approach

Data curation at large scale: learning from the UK biobank