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AI Registry feedback - BNMS

We're excited at the opportunity to collaborate with the BNMS on an AI Registry which encompasses both varieties of imaging algorithms. If you're a member of the BNMS, please let us know your feedback below.

As we further develop the registry, we would be grateful for your constructive feedback on your user experience.

Please indicate with your feedback, the perspective from which you are considering the information in the registry. For example, as someone interested in audit, service improvement, research, or discovery of what is currently in use.

Haven't seen the Registry yet? Click here
About you
How familiar are you with AI on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not at all familiar and 10 is expert? *
What are you using the registry to accomplish? *
Listing page

This section concerns the initial registry listing page, as found here, where you can search and filter all the products in our registry.

Were you able to find what you were looking for? *
Are you happy with the balance between search and filtering? *
Are there any other filters which you would find useful? *
Do you find any of the current filters to not be useful?
The registry is currently presented in a product-first view. Are there any viewpoints you'd prefer? *
Detail page

This section concerns the detail pages of the registry, which can be found by clicking on a product in the main listing page. On the detail pages, you can find information on deployment, integration, imaging network and more. An example of a detail page is here.

Is there any other information you would expect to see that we don't currently include? *
Did you find the detail page easy to navigate? *

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