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Future clinical oncology publications

We’re committed to developing a wide range of guidance that supports good practice in oncology and service delivery – and reflects the changing healthcare landscape.

Updates of existing guidance

Timely Delivery of Radical Radiotherapy – managing unscheduled treatment interruptions 

  • Anticipated publication 2025. 
  • View current guidance here 

New resources in development

Acute oncology job plan 

  • This is a joint RCR, ACP, RCP document that has been developed by UK Acute Oncology Society and is intended to be added as an appendix to the Clinical Oncology Job planning guidance for consultants and SAS doctors.
  • Anticipated publication 2025. 

Management of bone health in patients with prostate cancer

  • This new guidance aims to standardise care for bone health in patients with prostate cancer. 
  • Anticipated publication 2025.   

Skin cancer consensus statements 

  • A steering group of skin cancer experts has been established to lead on the development of consensus statements aimed at reducing variation in the treatment of skin cancer 
  • Anticipated publication 2026 

Palliative radiotherapy  

  • Currently there is no UK guidance for ensuring best practice when radiotherapy or brachytherapy is used in the palliative setting. The palliative radiotherapy pathways and provisions of service vary among centres. To address this and ensure a more standardised approach, we are developing new guidance which will aim to provide recommendations of best practice when radiotherapy or brachytherapy is used in the palliative setting.
  • Anticipated publication 2025.   

Guidance for doctors nearing retirement 

  • We are developing a joint faculty document that will provide guidance for doctors nearing retirement. This document will provide an overview of the options that are available and what doctors need to consider in the five years prior to retirement. 
  • This document will serve as an appendix to the Clinical oncology Job planning guidance for consultant and SAS doctors 2022
  • Anticipated publication 2025.

Post market surveillance guidance (AI)

  • This is a joint faculty guidance document that will aim to provide practical guidance on post-market surveillance and is aimed at healthcare professionals, including Clinical Directors and Service Managers in radiology and oncology departments in health boards and NHS trusts across the UK.

To commence in 2025:

  • Review of Guidance on reviewing job plans to reflect revised Job planning publications – this will be a joint faculty project and will commence in 2025.
  • Review of Good practice guide for Paediatric radiotherapy will commence in 2025. 
  • New Guidance on supporting SAS doctors development and progression towards Specialist roles and autonomous practice 
  • Peer review risk assessment - To develop an ‘off the shelf’ risk assessment Heads of Service can use if they are struggling to get dedicated job planning time for peer review will commence in 2025.
  • Review of National rectal cancer intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) guidance to commence in 2025. 
  • New Guidance on the value of substantive consultant appointments 

View all our oncology publications

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