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Management of Incidental Findings Detected During Research Imaging

Date: 2011

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and the Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE) led a UK-wide initiative, supported by the Wellcome Trust, which has resulted in the publication of a report, Management of Incidental Findings Detected During Research Imaging, which is enclosed.

Imaging plays an essential role in medical research. Unexpected or incidental abnormal findings arising in the course of imaging research are common; around 3% to 12% in brain imaging and up to 30% in body imaging. Such unexpected findings can have profound implications for a patient’s future health, and currently as there are no agreed protocols in place, these findings may go unrecognised or unreported.

The report summarises current opinions and concerns regarding the practical aspects of managing incidental findings among those involved in research using imaging.