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Clinical radiology census reports

Our census report presents a comprehensive picture of the clinical radiology workforce each year, and enables us to speak decisively about the issue.

Our 2023 clinical radiology workforce census report reveals dangerous shortages of doctors essential in the diagnosis and treatment of serious conditions including cancer and stroke. 

These delays are the direct result of severe workforce shortages, due to demand for services outstripping consultant growth. 

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Leaders seeing delays

Almost all (97%) radiology leaders say that workforce shortages caused delays and backlogs.

Patients waiting over four weeks for test results

In 2023, nearly three quarters of a million (745,290) patients in England waited over four weeks to receive the result of their imaging test following the scan.

Surge in demand

In 2023, while the clinical radiology workforce grew by 6%, demand for CT and MRI reporting surged by 11%.

Shortfall of clinical radiology consultants

There is a 30% shortfall of clinical radiology consultants (1,962 doctors). Without further action this shortfall is forecasted to increase to 40% (3,670 doctors) by 2028. 

As a result of these shortfalls:

The NHS spent £276 million on outsourcing, insourcing and ad-hoc locums to manage excess reporting demand– the highest on record. We could fund 2,690 consultant salaries with this money, more than the original shortfall in professionals.

Patients are facing unacceptable delays in receiving a diagnosis and starting lifesaving treatments, putting better outcomes at risk.

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  • The NHS spent £276 million on outsourcing, insourcing and ad-hoc locums to manage excess reporting demand– the highest on record. We could fund 2,690 consultant salaries with this money, more than the original shortfall in professionals.

  • Patients are facing unacceptable delays in receiving a diagnosis and starting lifesaving treatments, putting better outcomes at risk.


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