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Policy reports & initiatives

We work to improve systems across NHS radiology and non-surgical cancer care, and advocate on behalf of the medical specialties of clinical radiology and clinical oncology and their healthcare teams.

Recruitment freezes in UK imaging and cancer departments

The Royal College of Radiologists has been working to understand the extent of hiring freezes in imaging and cancer departments across the UK, following concerns raised by our members.

Resident Doctors: Leaders of the future

Our Task and Finish Group has produced guidance for trusts on how to ensure Resident Doctors acquire the skills they need to lead teams to provide safe, effective care for patients. 

Diagnostics and cancer care in the devolved nations

These policy briefings outline the state of diagnostics and cancer care in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and feature specific policy recommendations.

Equipped for the Future: Diagnostics equipment in NHS England – the case for investment

We have published a new policy report on diagnostic imaging equipment which refreshes and hones our recommendations on the provision of much-needed scanners, making the case for greater investment in radiology services for the benefit of patients.

Scepticism from doctors following manifesto launches

The next government, whoever they are, will take over at a pivotal moment for the NHS. Ahead of election day we wanted to test some of the parties’ health policies with RCR Fellows and Members to understand how those we represent feel about the proposed policies of those who would like to be in power.

Recovering radiotherapy services in England

The Radiotherapy Board have developed a policy briefing which explores the reasons why more patients are having to wait longer for their radiotherapy and suggests recommendations for what the government and NHS can to do restore services.

Embracing AI to support the NHS in delivering early diagnoses

The Royal College of Radiologists and The Royal College of Pathologists have published a joint report following a meeting they co-chaired at 10 Downing Street to discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the NHS.

Turnaround times – what are we seeing?

New data from NHS England shows that too many patients are waiting over a month for their imaging results, as a result of insufficient diagnostic capacity.

See our latest updates, policy reports and initiatives.

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