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The Leng Review: Call for Evidence from Healthcare Professionals

The Leng review has issued a call for evidence, seeking the views of healthcare professionals who have experience of working with physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs).  

We encourage Fellows and members with relevant experience to share their views and experiences directly with the Leng review here

Our Submission 

The Royal College of Radiologists has already submitted two documents as evidence to the Leng review. They are linked and summarised below. 

1. Resident Doctors: Leaders of the Future  

This document, developed by a specialist Task and Finish Group, sets out our recommended principles for addressing challenges specifically faced by resident doctors in our specialties throughout their training and beyond. 

Residents and trainers alike are aware of how changes in service delivery and staffing models may impact training opportunities. We highlighted the importance of multi-professional contribution to resident doctor training opportunities to support future leaders in our specialties. This ensures resident doctors can fulfill required training and curriculum credits. 

2. Non-regulated professions requesting ionising radiation examinations 

Following reports in February 2024 of non-regulated professionals requesting ionising radiation examinations and the General Medical Council (GMC) subsequently becoming the regulator for PAs and AAs, we issued a letter to Trusts and Health Boards in partnership with the Society and College of Radiographers. We drew attention to where the clinical role and scope of PAs and AAs remained unclear. 

We called for clarity in the roles of PAs and AAs to ensure consistency, to avoid unnecessary disruption to services, and to allow training to be appropriately targeted.

The importance of the Leng review is as evident to the College as it is to our Fellows and members. We look forward to hearing its conclusions in summer 2025.