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RCR to host global AI health conference

Healthcare professionals and AI enthusiasts alike are eagerly anticipating the upcoming AI in Healthcare Conference, set to take place in London in February 2025. This event promises to showcase the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of artificial intelligence across all clinical specialties.

The announcement of the conference comes amidst increasing attention on the role of AI in the NHS, with more than half of UK trusts and health boards already integrating AI tools into clinical care.[1] The growing use of AI is strongly supported by the public, with research from the Health Foundation revealing that 54% of the population, along with 76% of NHS staff, are in favour of AI in patient care.[2]

Jointly hosted by the NHS AI Lab and the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), the conference will bring together distinguished global AI leaders to deliver insightful talks that promote the transformative potential of AI in healthcare. Medical societies around the globe, from Canada to Japan and Sweden, are partnering with the conference. Attendees can expect a deep dive into the practical implementation of AI, exploring the myriad of opportunities, challenges, and innovative approaches currently being tested in the field.

With a focus on fostering understanding and proficiency, the conference will offer guidance on essential topics including education and research, governance and regulation, leadership and implementation, best practices, and more. Through case studies and partnerships with industry leaders, participants will gain practical insights into successful AI implementation strategies and the potential to transform the patient experience.

Titled "Shaping the Future of AI in Healthcare: Learning from Practice - Global AI Conference 2025," the event will be held at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London, on the 3rd and 4th of February, with live streaming available worldwide.

Dr Katharine Halliday, President of the Royal College of Radiologists, said:

"AI is already transforming healthcare, presenting both complex challenges and exciting benefits. A doctor equipped with AI's data, insights, and accuracy represents, and will increasingly represent, a formidable force in enhancing patient care. We are excited to partner with the NHS to host this conference in the UK, collaborating with experts across all specialties to explore the full potential of AI for health systems and patients alike. AI will significantly shape the future of healthcare, and the RCR, NHS, and the UK are at the forefront of this transformation."

Health Minister Karin Smyth MP said:

"I am determined we harness the power of artificial intelligence to transform the way we deliver healthcare and save thousands of lives across the country.

"This conference will bring together some of the greatest AI innovators from across the globe to help inform our approach.

"Utilising the latest cutting edge technology will be vital as we fix our broken NHS and offer patients the highest quality care."

[1] Royal College of Radiologists. (June 2024), 'Clinical Radiology Workforce Census 2023), available at: https://www.rcr.ac.uk/media/5befglss/rcr-census-clinical-radiology-workforce-census-2023.pdf

[2] The Health Foundation, (July 2024), 'AI in health care: what do the public and NHS staff think?', available at: https://www.health.org.uk/publications/long-reads/ai-in-health-care-what-do-the-public-and-nhs-staff-think#:~:text=Over%20half%20of%20the%20UK,%25%20of%20NHS%20staff%20surveyed).


Notes to editors

· Further details about the 'Shaping the future of AI in healthcare: Learning from practice - Global AI Conference 2025' can be accessed: https://www.rcr.ac.uk/cpd-and-events/events-webinars/events/shaping-the-future-of-ai-in-healthcare-learning-from-practice-global-ai-conference-2025/

· The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has more than 16,000 fellows and members worldwide, representing the specialties of clinical oncology and clinical radiology. The RCR sets and maintains the standards for entry to and practice in the specialties in addition to leading and supporting practitioners throughout their career www.rcr.ac.uk