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Fellowship without examination


Nominations for the current round are now closed

For any queries please email the Governance Team or telephone 020 3780 2689. 


The usual route to Fellowship at our College is by examination, however, in accordance with College Regulations, Fellowship without Examination (FwE) may be awarded to nominees who in the opinion of the Trustee Board meet the criteria. 

FwE is not an 'honour'. It is a way of recognising contributions to clinical radiology or clinical oncology in the UK.  

Fellows without Examination have the same rights and privileges as Fellows by examination. This includes the right to use the post-nominal FRCR, to speak and vote at General Meetings and to stand and vote in College elections in accordance with our Regulations.  FwE is offered under the same financial conditions as apply to Fellows by examination of payment of the annual membership subscription to remain in good standing with the College.

Nominations are open to those who are working in substantive NHS consultant posts in our specialties of clinical radiology or clinical oncology (generally those who were not required to obtain the FRCR as part of their training programme). Nominations are assessed by the Fellowship Assessment Committee and its recommendations endorsed by the Trustee Board.

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With over 17,000 Fellows and members worldwide, The Royal College of Radiologists exists to lead, educate and support doctors who are training and working in the specialties of clinical oncology and clinical radiology. With such a broad perspective on our two specialties, we develop and deliver a unique body of work which could not be undertaken by any other organisation.

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