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Discounts on membership

We know that certain circumstances can make it difficult to pay the full fee, so we offer a range of discounts and concessions to make sure that our membership is available to everyone.

If you are on maternity/parental/adoption leave, you are eligible for a 50% reduction on your annual membership fees.

This discount will be applied to UK and Global Fellows and members (excluding those residing in an LMIC country).

The reduction is available for one subscription year per child(s) and cannot be applied if you have informed us of your leave after you have returned to work. You will be required to submit evidence of your maternity/parental/adoption leave, in the form of either a MATB1 certificate (UK residents) or a letter from your HR department.

Any documentation submitted must be provided in English.

Please contact us in advance of your maternity leave to apply for this discount at membership@rcr.ac.uk.

RCR subscriptions are approved by HM Revenue & Customs as tax deductible

If you are a UK taxpayer you can save 20-40% of the cost of your membership subscription depending on your marginal rate of tax and you can use your subscription receipt that is automatically emailed to you each year following fee payment for this purpose. If you would like confirmation of the amounts you have paid the College for this or prior years' subscriptions for inclusion on your tax return, please refer to your online account by logging in to MyRCR and going to the 'My Receipts' section, where you will be able to request a receipt for last year's fees. If you have difficulties locating this, please email membership@rcr.ac.uk. 

You may also be able to backdate your claim for previous years. Please contact your tax advisor or HM Revenue and Customs for advice concerning your individual claim and circumstances. Information on making a claim is available from HM Revenue and Customs on 0845 300 0627 or on the HMRC website. How much you get back will depend on a number of factors including your subscription fee level and your tax situation.

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With over 17,000 Fellows and members worldwide, The Royal College of Radiologists exists to lead, educate and support doctors who are training and working in the specialties of clinical oncology and clinical radiology. With such a broad perspective on our two specialties, we develop and deliver a unique body of work which could not be undertaken by any other organisation.

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