Dr Paul Hulse
Dr Paul Hulse
As the North West radiology community grieve at his passing, we all acknowledge Dr Paul Hulse as a dedicated and exceptional radiologist. Paul worked at The Christie in Manchester, between 1999 and 2016, where he had a principal role in influencing the development of PET-CT in the early 2000s.
Paul is remembered with enormous gratitude and affection for his work at The Royal College of Radiologists as lead for National Recruitment. Paul led a complex and relatively new nationwide recruitment process for clinical radiology from late 2010 and did it supremely well.
It is a tribute to him that those structures he instigated are still active today. This required both diplomacy in dealing with a large number of stakeholders across the UK and excellent organisational skills. Paul displayed both qualities to lead several years of recruitment faultlessly. As he led this work, his manner was calm, friendly and inclusive, and he made interviewers from all over the country feel welcome and enabled them to give off their best during the recruitment process.
14th January 1963 to 17th February 2023
In 2011, Paul became Head of School for the Manchester Radiology Training Scheme and continued in the role for the newly formed North West School of Radiology. His stewardship of the school was characterised by his diligence; he introduced significant innovations that are still present within the North West School of Radiology today.
Paul championed the use of annual appraisals to drive through improvements in training placements. He cared passionately about the experience of trainees – introducing the radiology training survey – allowing the school to influence and improve hospital training. Paul transformed the school leadership team, creating new roles – including the year-specific training programme director (TPD) roles with which colleagues are now familiar.
Paul was uncompromising in his pursuit of excellence and demanded excellence from others. He introduced rigorous Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) processes which became national exemplars. He oversaw a period of training post-expansion and a complete overhaul of the taught programme.
Dr Alistair Craig (former North West Radiology Head of School) recalls his impact: ‘Paul was a standard bearer for North West radiology. Paul appointed me as Associate Training Programme Director and we worked closely together until I took over from him as Head of School and he relocated to the South of England. I will always remember his passion for training, his exacting standards and how expertly he created a team from those around him. He was thoughtful and fun to work with. He was a huge influence on me personally and I will miss him greatly.’
His contributions to radiology education include his membership of the Specialty Training Board from 2014-17.
Many of today’s consultants were recruited and trained as a direct result of his efforts. It is with great sadness that we learned of his passing. We have lost a friend and colleague who contributed a great deal to radiology recruitment and training. Paul did so much to help others and there will be many who will be very grateful for all that he did to further their careers in radiology.
Memoir authors: Janarthan Suntharanathan, William Ramsden, Stephen Harden, Alistair Craig and Ben Taylor