Clinical Fellowships
RCR Fellow Fairer Training Outcomes - Clinical Oncology
For the past two years, our RCR Fellows for Fairer Training Outcomes, Dr Abioloa Fatimilehin and Dr Zsuzsanna Iyizoba-Ebozue have analysed a plethora of data on differential attainment and developed targeted interventions to address specific issues.
We are looking for their successors to pass on the baton of achievements.
Interested? Read more about the role and apply below.
The primary purpose of these posts is to:
- offer an engaging and worthwhile developmental project activity outside of training or clinical practice
- contribute to the work of the College
- produce an outcome of benefit to other members or Fellows and/or patients.
Most of these opportunities are not funded and will be voluntary (expenses will be paid where applicable); they will vary in duration and are relevant to clinical oncologists or clinical radiologists or both. RCR Clinical Fellows will work with a College Officer or other lead Fellow and one or more members of College staff who together will brief the RCR Clinical Fellow, provide guidance and offer feedback. The resulting work will be owned by the RCR but the RCR Clinical Fellow will be acknowledged and may quote from or use extracts from the outcome within conditions set by the RCR.
RCR Clinical Fellows projects
A summary of current and recently completed projects undertaken by RCR Clinical Fellows is shown below.
Curriculum re-write project for Clinical Radiology - Dr Samantha Fossey (Clinical Radiologist, Brighton)
Dr Fossey worked with the Curriculum Committee on a major re-write of the clinical radiology and interventional radiology curricula to address new GMC requirements and current trends on curriculum design.
Curriculum re-write project for Clinical Oncology - Dr Nida Pasha (Clinical Oncologist, London)
Dr Pasha has been working with the Curriculum Committee on a major re-write of the clinical oncology curriculum to address new GMC requirements and current trends on curriculum design. This position was previously held by Dr Tharmalingham until September 2019.
PGCE in Medical Education for Clinical Radiology - Dr Faye Cuthbert (Clinical Radiologist, Brighton)
Launched in November 2015 the first postgraduate certificate in medical education for radiology was created by Dr Cuthbert working with the College's Educational Adviser and the team from Dundee University. Further details are available.
PGCE in Medical Education for Clinical Oncology - Dr Sarah Needleman (Clinical Oncologist, London)
The first postgraduate certificate in medical education for oncology was created by Dr Needleman working with the College's Educational Adviser and the team from Dundee University. Further details are available.
Radiology e-learning for Clinical Oncology trainees - Dr Nuradh Joseph (Clinical Oncologist, Manchester/Sri Lanka)
Dr Joseph worked with the Chair of the Clinical Oncology Curriculum Committee and the Directorate of Specialty Training, as well as local consultant clinical oncologists and clinical radiologists to develop the first in what is intended to become a suite of modules on imaging as it relates to clinical oncology training and practice.
Molecular imaging resources for Clinical Radiology training - Dr Michael Kay (Clinical Radiologist, Southampton) and Dr Iosif Mendichovsky (Clinical Radiologist, Cambridge)
Dr Kay and Dr Mendichovsky worked with the Medical Director for Education and Training, Clinical Radiology, and the Directorate of Specialty Training to gather, collate and signpost a wide range of resources to support trainees in their training for both the core curriculum content on the scientific basis of imaging and higher level content for those wishing to specialise in molecular imaging. More information and the resources are available here.
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