Undergraduate curriculum
With the introduction of the new national Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA), and the inclusion of Clinical Imaging as one of the defined ‘Areas of Clinical Practice’; the aim of the undergraduate curriculum is to promote the teaching and learning of the relevant aspects of clinical radiology at undergraduate level, mapped to the presentations and conditions as defined in the MLA content map published by the GMC.
This curriculum will therefore provide a succinct framework that can be used by all UK medical schools to integrate Clinical Radiology (CR) into the undergraduate curriculum. Whilst there are defined areas of learning (divided into presentations and conditions) specified in the MLA syllabus, this curriculum should also allow the flexibility for local expertise and specialist interest to shape education and training delivered to undergraduates.
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Undergraduate clinical radiology
Clinical radiology plays an essential, integral role in primary care and hospital medicine. Discover how we connect newly qualified and junior doctors with imaging departments.