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Undergraduate clinical radiology

Clinical radiology plays an integral role in primary care and hospital medicine. It is therefore inevitable that there will be frequent and important interactions between newly qualified and junior doctors and imaging departments.

We want to ensure that junior doctors, particularly those in Foundation are adequately prepared for this important interface with imaging departments, and have basic skills in image interpretation that might be required in acute patient management.

In order to provide a unified basis for undergraduate radiology teaching, an expert panel was convened to construct the core undergraduate curriculum.

Undergraduate Radiology Societies Association (URSA)

What is URSA?

The College is keen to support medical students interested in a career in radiology and is aware of the work that university societies do in this area.  We are also looking to engage with medical school radiology societies following the introduction of the Clinical Radiology undergraduate curriculum. 

The College has set up an association to provide a central link for radiology societies where they currently exist and to encourage the development of societies in areas where none currently reside.

Member societies can identify themselves as members of RCR URSA and have use of the RCR logo on their society pages and resources.  We will, where possible, offer support to societies in promoting local events, marketing the society and providing access to teaching and learning resources.

No society in your medical school?

We can help with guidance on setting up a society and providing links to existing societies around the UK.

Our exams and training

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