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Oncology Careers Day

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) annually holds a free whole-day meeting for undergraduates, foundation doctors and internal medicine trainees with an interest in oncology.

Be the difference. Choose oncology.

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The RCR annual undergraduate oncology day will be held on Saturday, 26 April 2025, to facilitate attendance from undergraduates, Internal Medicine Trainees (IMT), foundation doctors, and anyone curious about a career in oncology.
Career stage
Please select the option that best describes your current background *
Undergraduate education (If registering as a Foundation Doctor/IMT enter N/A for the following questions)
Do you know who your medical school lead is?
Undergraduate oncology
Are you a member of an undergraduate oncology society? *
Are you representing an undergraduate oncology society?
Workshop options

To find out about how we handle the information in this form, please read our public privacy notice.

You can update your preferences at any time via your MyRCR account.

Oncology Careers Day 2025

26 April 2025

Oncology Careers Day

The meeting is organised with the intention to inform undergraduates about careers in oncology, the training pathway, what life is like as a consultant oncologist after achieving a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), and to provide updates in the field of oncology. It is also a great opportunity to network with your peers, potential educators and colleagues. 

At a typical undergraduate oncology day, there will be talks from trainees and leading consultants in the field of oncology. Click below to watch presentations from previous clinical oncology undergraduate award winners.

Watch presentations

Undergraduate clinical oncology

Discover how the College supports medical students during their undergraduate years to be able to safely manage patients with cancer from day one as a junior doctor.

Undergraduate clinical oncology