Clinical radiology return to training toolkit
The toolkit includes key forms to be used to document the process, as well as guidance on each stage to be followed. The forms are a combination of forms designed by AoMRC and the London School of Radiology contextualised to the new radiology curriculum. This aims to assess the trainee's level of entrustment against various key aspects of the radiology curriculum.
Please note these are based on the new 2021 curriculum and the capabilities in practice (CiPS) that the curriculum is now structured around. These forms are now available within the Kaizen e-portfolio and should ideally be completed within the system. They are however also available to download below as standalone documents if preferred.
The toolkit
Before starting a period of planned absence (3 months or more) the trainee should meet with their educational supervisor or TPD and complete Form 1: Planning a period of absence. The form contains prompts for discussion based on the template provided by the AoMRC as well as a section specific to radiology to record the trainee's level of entrustment in relation to specific areas of the curriculum.
This meeting should include discussion about how the trainee will keep up to date during their absence through keeping in touch (KIT) days, CPD etc. Please note, for trainees in England, the HEE SuppoRTT planning for absense form should also be completed at this meeting.
Prior to the trainee's return (ideally at least 6-8 weeks in advance) the trainee should meet with their educational supervisor or TPD for a discussion and to complete Form 2: Return from absence initial review. Like Form 1 this contains prompts for discussion based on the template provided by the AoMRC as well as a section specific to radiology. This latter section allows the trainee to consider and record their own level of entrustment in relation to specific areas of the curriculum and then to discuss this with their educational supervisor or TPD to develop a plan for supported return. Please note, for trainees in England, the HEE SuppoRTT planning return to work form should also be completed at this meeting.
This meeting is vital and the aim should be to complete a learning needs analysis, discuss areas where additional support and supervision may be required and to agree the likely length of the supported return period. Such plans should be clearly documented so that at the end of the return period, the trainee is able to demonstrate that all needs have been met.Trainees are strongly encouraged to complete work place based assessments during their supported return to training period.
Suggested activities to plan include:
- PACS/CRIS refamiliarization
- Standard operating procedures, trust induction and RCR guidance update
- Shadowing protocolling
- Shadowing hot reporting
- Supervised imaging lists (e.g. USS/Fluoro) core and/or higher
Guidance documents that might be useful to consult include:
- Standards for interpretation and reporting of imaging investigations
- Standards for intravascular contrast administration to adult patients
At the end of the agreed supported return period the trainee must have a follow up review meeting with their educational supervisor or TPD where Form 3: Supported return to work sign off must be completed. Like the other forms this one contains a section specific to radiology where the trainee and supervisor/TPD can discuss, agree and record their level of entrustment. Trainees are strongly encouraged to complete work place based assessments during their supported return to training period. Please note, for trainees in England, the HEE SuppoRTT following supervised return form should also be completed at this meeting.
This meeting will have one of two possible outcomes:
- If both the trainee and the supervisor/TPD agree that sufficient progress has been made, the return to work period can be signed off and the trainee should then rejoin the normal rota.
- If both the trainee and the supervisor/TPD agree that the necessary level of confidence and competence has not yet been reached, the supported return period should be extended.
If an extension is required, actions should be reviewed and revised if necessary and a new end date should be agreed. At the end of the extended period another meeting should take place and Form 3 should be used again.
SuppoRTT advice contextualised to radiology
Specific guidance regarding areas for focussed support include:
Out of hours supervision
It is recommended that returning trainees are omitted from the on-call rota where these require independent practice for a minimum of 4 weeks from their start date back. Where possible, provision should be made for the trainee to attend on call shifts in a supernumerary capacity prior to this.
Imaging studies/practical procedures supervision
It is expected that trainees will require additional supervision for a minimum of two weeks upon their return. The level of support required will be dependent on the trainee’s prior level of experience and time away from training. As a guide it is expected that trainees who were previously independent or requiring minimal/indirect supervision will require 1 to 3 supervised sessions of diagnostic ultrasound, fluoroscopy and/or practical procedures.
Where possible it would be beneficial for trainees to have an allocated mentor with experience of returning to work from a period of absence. This may be an existing supervisor and/or a temporary additional supervisor if existing clinical/educational supervisors do not have experience. The period of mentorship would be expected to last for two months in the first instance.
Case studies
It's always useful to hear about others' experiences and we are grateful to Dr Kate Hawtin and Dr Louise Dickinson for sharing theirs.
- Dr Kate Hawtin is the RCR's LTFT Training and Working Adviser and also wrote and developed the London School of Radiology's “Guidance for Radiology Trainees Returning to Work after a Period of Absence”.
- Dr Louise Dickinson is a current trainee who has experienced returning to work after an absence twice, once before the London School's guidance was in place and once after. She also worked with Dr Hawtin to develop the London programme.
If you have any queries about the toolkit or need advice on returning to work email [email protected]
These recommendations are a combination of guidance that has been implemented in the HEE Thames Valley and London & South East regions. A special thanks to Dr Victoria Bower, HEE SuppoRTT fellow, Dr Tom Barge, Dr Louise Dickinson, Dr Kate Hawtin, Dr Jennie Wakefield, Dr Louise Wing and Dr Jane Young for collaborating on this project and agreeing to share their local SuppoRTT guidance.