Enrolling with the College
Please make sure you have read the College's Privacy Policy, which includes a section on holding and processing of members’ personal data, before you submit your application. Once completed, the Training Team will establish your membership. You will receive an acknowledgement of this by email. Please note that you will be able to register on the website within 24 hours of receiving this email.
Payment is on a pro rata basis. Once your enrolment details have been entered, a payment request for the relevant amount will be emailed to you with a link to make the payment. Your membership will not be finalised until this payment has been made. To comply with Data Protection regulations and for the protection of our members we cannot accept payments over the telephone.
Direct debit
In future years, the College would appreciate payment of subscriptions by direct debit. Please complete and return the direct debit mandate, found in the Related Documents section on this page, to the Membership Officer by e mail on [email protected], once your membership has been established.
If you have any queries at any stage, please do not hesitate to contact the Training Team at [email protected].
Useful documents
Our specialty training
Learn more about how the College sets the standards and curriculum that lead to the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and entry onto the GMC's Specialist Register.