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Exams & training

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Exam help & guidance

Help with booking exams, requirements for different types of exams, and resources such as pass rates and examiners’ reports.

Help with booking exams

Frequently asked questions below to help you when accessing and using the exam hub.

Help with image-based exams

Our image-based exams are delivered using the digital platform Assess.

Help with SBA/MCQ exams

The RCR's Part 1 and 2A exams are delivered using the digital platform Speedwell.


The RCR exam hub

Book, cancel or reschedule your exams and find your results.

Using the RCR exam hub

Our exams

Find out more about our FRCR exams in clinical radiology and clinical oncology, and DDMFR exams in dental and maxillofacial radiology.

RCR exams