FRCR Part 1 (Radiology) - CR1 - specimen questions (physics module)
LEARN MOREExam Preparation Course: 28 - 29 April 2025
This two-day online course will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the scientific principles of medical imaging, specifically tailored to the requirements of the CR1 physics exam.
CR1 Physics Exam Preparation Course
1 Concerning the Compton effect:
- There is interaction between a photon and a free electron.
- The larger the angle through which the photon is scattered, the more energy it loses.
- The wavelength change produced depends upon the scattering material.
- High energy radiation is scattered more than lower energy radiation.
- The amount of scattering that occurs depends on the electron density of the scattering material.
2 Concerning digital radiography (DR):
- Phosphors may be used in the detector.
- The receptor signal is used to determine exposure cut-off time.
- The image can be viewed within five seconds of the exposure.
- Pixel dropout is a recognised artefact.
- The receptor dose indicator gives a record of patient dose.
3 Radiological image unsharpness increases:
- If shorter exposure times are used.
- As the object to receptor distance increases.
- As the target angle decreases.
- If a grid is used.
- As the focal spot size increases.
4 In automatic mode fluoroscopy, the patient entrance surface dose rate:
- Usually increases with image intensifier field size.
- Depends on the added filtration.
- Is independent of the kV-mA characteristic used.
- Doubles if the patient-intensifier face distance is halved.
- Should be less than 50 mGy min-1.
5 Concerning The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999:
- Local Rules are required for a controlled area.
- Only classified workers can enter a controlled area.
- The annual effective dose limit is 30 mSv for employees aged over 18 years.
- Personal dosimeters should be issued for periods no greater than one month.
- A radiation protection adviser is responsible for managing staff radiation safety in a radiology department.
6 Concerning The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000:
- Overall responsibility for keeping dose to the patient as low as reasonably practicable rests with the practitioner.
- The practitioner is the only person entitled to authorise an x-ray exposure.
- Only doctors and dentists are permitted to request an x-ray.
- The person performing quality control tests on an isotope calibrator must have training.
- The enforcing authority is the Health and Safety Executive.
7 Radionuclides:
- Are those nuclides having more neutrons than protons.
- May emit x-rays.
- Decay exponentially.
- Do not occur naturally.
- May be produced in a cyclotron.
8 Concerning computed tomography:
- A CT number of 0 is assigned to water.
- Image quality is limited by electronic noise.
- Axial image resolution is improved with reduction in slice width.
- An unfiltered x-ray beam is used.
- The typical effective dose for a CT head scan is 10 mSv.
9 Signal to noise in MRI is increased with:
- A decreased matrix size.
- A longer TE.
- A thicker slice.
- A smaller field of view.
- The use of a higher main magnetic field.
10 Concerning diagnostic ultrasound:
- The higher the transmitted frequency, the greater the depth that can be scanned.
- In abdominal scanning it typically has a wavelength in soft tissue of about 0.5 mm.
- It is reflected from a surface between two media that have different acoustic impedances.
- The ultrasound beam can be focussed.
- Ionisation of cell water may occur at frequencies greater than 5 MHz.
1a: T, 1b: T, 1c: F, 1d: F, 1e: T
2a: T, 2b: T, 2c: T, 2d: T, 2e: T
3a: F, 3b: T, 3c: F, 3d: F, 3e: T
4a: F, 4b: T, 4c: F, 4d: F, 4e: T
5a: T, 5b: F, 5c: F, 5d: F, 5e: F
6a: F, 6b: F, 6c: F, 6d: T, 6e: F
7a: F, 7b: T, 7c: T, 7d: F, 7e: T
8a: T, 8b: F, 8c: T, 8d: F, 8e: F
9a: T, 9b: F, 9c: T, 9d: F, 9e: T
10a: F, 10b: T, 10c: T, 10d: T, 10e: F
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