FRCR Part 2B (Oncology) - CO2B - instructions for candidates
LEARN MORE- Your candidate timetable will be sent to you prior to the exam and will tell you when each of your exam sessions are scheduled to begin on each exam day.
- The exam will take place across three days. All exam stations will be conducted via video conferencing.
- You will be asked to arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to your exam time. These arrangements are to ensure that candidates cannot consult with each other.
- When you arrive at the exam, you will be asked to show your candidate timetable and ID. Mobile phones must be turned off, kept with belongings and not accessed whilst in the pre/post exam room.
- The stations will be grouped into six sessions as detailed below. Candidates should note that their sessions may not be scheduled in this order.
- Most exam stations within a given session will be conducted by one examiner, with the exception of the communication station (please see further information below). All stations are marked independently by two examiners, with the second examiner marking via a recording of the station. (There may also be occasions where both examiners mark during the ‘live’ encounter.)
- Tumour sites 1-10 have a usual duration of five and a half minutes each. A longer total time for a session will be scheduled to ensure there is sufficient time for ID and technology checks at the start of the session.
- The communication station duration is ten minutes. Candidates are allocated an additional one minute prior to the encounter to read the candidate briefing. The station will be based around interaction with a role player, the scenario and candidate instructions for which will be detailed in the candidate brief.
- The contouring station duration is 16 minutes. The case information will be presented by the examiner and the candidate will be asked to contour two or three slices. The candidate will have 12 of the 16 minutes for this part. Candidates will be instructed to describe to the examiner what they are doing as they contour. For the remaining four minutes, examiners will then ask candidates a set of standardised questions related to the case presented.
In order to ensure examination security is maintained, candidates may need to go to a post or/and pre-exam quarantine room.
Our exams
Find out more about our FRCR exams in clinical radiology and clinical oncology, and DDMFR exams in dental and maxillofacial radiology.
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