FRCR Part 2B (Oncology) - CO2B - guidance notes for candidates
LEARN MORE1. Exam structure
The Final FRCR (Part B) is a multi-station exam with clinical style questions. The exam is held twice a year: normally in April and October.
2. Venues
The exam is held at seven UK venues (Belfast, Crewe, Edinburgh, Leeds, London, Plymouth and Wales) and three global venues (India and Malta with the addition of Hong Kong in the Autumn sitting as part of the Joint exam offering).
3. The exam
The exam contains 12 assessment stations, each of which is marked independently by two examiners. The majority of the stations will be conducted by one examiner, with the second examiner marking from the recorded content. There may be occasions where two examiners are present. The communications station does not have an examiner present to conduct the station. There is no ranking of candidates, other than to determine the recipient of the Gold Award as described below. Questions for the stations are prepared in advance, with guidelines provided to examiners on their features and scoring.
4. Anonymity of patients
During the exam, the clinical scenarios will include patient information (although patients’ identities are not revealed). Candidates are reminded that patients’ confidentiality must be respected at all times. Exam cases must not be discussed with anyone other than the examiners.
5. Quarantine
To ensure exam security is maintained, candidates may be quarantined before or/and after the exam across any of the sessions. Candidates should note the arrival time provided on their timetable and follow the instructions of the invigilator at the venue.
6. Candidate identification
Following booking for the exam, candidates will be asked to provide a photograph of themselves, if they have not previously done so for a prior sitting. This photograph will be visible to examiners during the exam as part of the quality assurance process.
7. Marking and results awarding
At each of the 12 assessment stations, examiners will mark candidates against three clinical skill domains. A borderline regression method is used to determine the pass mark. The scoring system provides more information on this process.
8. Information provided to candidates
Alongside their overall exam result, candidates will receive details of the scores they have achieved for each clinical skill domain (across the whole exam), and per station. This information will be provided to candidates irrespective of whether they have passed or failed the exam and is intended to assist their future learning. Several quality assurance processes need to be undertaken before the release of candidate results and feedback. This will usually be provided to candidates three-four weeks following the exam. The release date for results will be published in advance for each exam date.
9. Further Information
Queries arising from this document should be addressed to the RCR’s Exams Office, either by email to [email protected] or telephone on 020 7406 5905.
Queries at the time of the exam should be raised with the invigilators or College staff present. Comments, feedback or complaints following the exam should be brought to the attention of the Exams Operations Manager either by email to [email protected] or telephone on 020 7406 5905.
Our exams
Find out more about our FRCR exams in clinical radiology and clinical oncology, and DDMFR exams in dental and maxillofacial radiology.