In-post guidance
Useful links
risr/advance e-portfolio
Once the MTI applicant notifies the College of their arrival to the UK, an e-portfolio application form is sent to the applicant to be completed and sent back to the training administrator. Once received the applicant is set up with a risr/advance account, which is our online e-portfolio platform used by trainees, supervisors and ARCP panel members to record progression through training and provide supervision to trainees. The educational supervisor is required to complete three appraisals per year: an annual induction, a mid-year review, and end of year review.
RCR membership
Become a member and benefit from access to early booking for the exams and reduced pricing (compared to non-members), plus other benefits such as events, journals, training resources and more.
Relocation guidance
The AoMRC has produced a relocation guide to give international doctors some general advice about moving to the UK. The guide aims to cover some of the key things that the applicant and their family (if applicable) will need to arrange and may find useful such as banking, accommodation, healthcare, and culture.
The GMC provides a range of information for doctors on the medical register including how to manage your registration. The GMC also run a free welcome to UK practice workshop for doctors new to the UK.
Post progression
The RCR will periodically check with the employer and the applicant as to how the placement is progressing. This is an opportunity for the MTI trainee and supervisor to let us know how they are getting on with the placement.
Changes to the post or employment of the MTI doctor
We agree to sponsorship on the understanding that MTI applicants will complete their placements and return to their home country at its conclusion. Any changes to the agreed post must be taken up with the RCR before they are implemented. A failure to do so may compromise our sponsorship and consequently the applicant's immigration status. The UK employer must report any exceptions to the doctor’s employment terms and conditions e.g. resignation, dismissal, unexplained absence to the Academy by completing the MTI exception report.
End of the placement
Two weeks prior to the end of the placement, we will confirm with the UK Supervising Consultant and MTI applicant that the placement is coming to an end and things are in hand for the doctor to return to their home country. When the placement comes to an end the hospital must complete the MTI exception report and send this to the AoMRC at and the applicant should return home.
Related resources
Application process
A breakdown of the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) application process for clinical radiology and clinical oncology.
Guidance for UK supervising consultants
Guidelines for UK supervising consultants recruiting for the clinical radiology and clinical oncology MTI scheme.
Guidance for potential MTI applicants
Direction for clinical radiology and clinical oncology applicants of our Medical Training Initiative scheme.
Eligibility criteria
The essential criteria needed to meet GMC registration, our sponsorship and the Tier 5 visa.
Career development
Our expert advice will guide you through all stages of your career, from choosing the right specialty, to offering support through professional networks.