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Faculty Boards elected members 2025-2028

Are you passionate about your specialty and want to assist your College’s drive to improve patient care and support our colleagues? We need you to act as a critical friend to the Faculty Leadership Team and Trustee Board; providing external encouragement and challenge from our members’ perspective.

There is one clinical oncology member position open for election. 

The next Faculty Board member will serve a three-year term beginning on 1 September 2025

Nominations are open until the 31 March 2025.

Elections nomination form

What's involved?

Faculty Boards serve as the members’ voice, scrutinising the strategic decisions taken by the Clinical Oncology and Clinical Radiology Faculty Leadership Teams. Their role is to scrutinise and constructively challenge the Leadership of the Faculty. 

As a member of your Faculty Board you will also be a member of Council. Council serves a similar role in respect of scrutiny and constructive challenge of the RCR’s Trustee Board, and it is also responsible for the appointment of Trustees and the disciplinary functions of the College.

The terms of reference of the Clinical Oncology Faculty Board and Clinical Radiology Faculty Board set this out in more detail.

Is this the role for you?

If you are interested in helping to shape the strategic direction of your Faculty and College, this could be the role for you. You will review and provide constructive feedback to the Faculty Leadership Teams and Trustees on the work of the Faculty and College, thereby ensuring the RCR continues to meet the needs of members and Fellows. 

The RCR is seeking to expand diversity on all its boards and committees, and actively encourages those from all backgrounds, including under-represented groups, to apply for this role. 

What's the commitment?

This is a three-year role. The main responsibilities are to participate in two Faculty Board meetings and two Council meetings each year - each usually lasting two hours.  All four meetings are scheduled in advance and spread throughout the year. 

You will need to allow time to read papers in advance and potentially contribute to email correspondence between meetings. Additional time commitment may be necessary to deal with disciplinary matters, appointments of Trustees or from time to time to lead projects or workstreams as requested by the Trustees or Faculty Leadership Teams. 

Who’s eligible to stand?

This is an elected position. To put your name forward, you need to be a Fellow of the College (no minimum period as a Fellow is required), resident in the United Kingdom, on the roll of the Faculty, hold a current licence to practise with the General Medical Council and be in active clinical practice. You will also need the support of two other Fellows in good standing in your Faculty as your nominators. Please make sure you will be able to free the time needed from your clinical practice to undertake the work required in this role (the RCR will be able to provide a letter of support if requested). The term of office starts on 1 September 2025.


All board and committee members are bound by the Code of Conduct and are expected to demonstrate adherence to the College values. All board and committee members will be required to declare any conflicts at the beginning of every meeting in accordance with the conflicts of interest policy.

Who can I contact for more information?

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the role further, please feel free to contact the current Chair of the Clinical Oncology Faculty Board: 

  • Clinical Oncology: Dr Caroline Brammer via the Clinical Oncology Executive Officer, Gillian Dollamore.