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7 CPD credits

Winning Insights: Elevating MSK imaging in Professional Sports

Members: £215-295Non-Members: £265-395
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Event overview

Join us at the MSK Biennial Meeting, to delve into the cutting-edge world of sports imaging. Led by renowned expert, Professor Rowena Johnson, Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist, this event will explore the latest advancements and best practices for diagnosing and treating athletic injuries, the range of therapeutic procedures, and managing the risks involved in professional sports.

You’ll gain insights into the collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to working in a high-pressure, fast-paced sports environment. Don’s miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and network with industry peers from the UK and globally.

7 CPD points will be awarded on completion of this course. Please note this event will not be available to view on-demand post event.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the latest advancements in imaging techniques in professional
  2. Learn best practices for diagnosing and following up on athletic injuries
  3. Discuss the range of therapeutic procedures available for elite athletes and
    how to manage the potential risks involved
  4. Explore the collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to working in professional
  5. Develop skills for managing a high-pressure, fast-moving sports environment

Who should attend

  • Radiology consultants

  • Radiology trainees

  • MSK specialists

  • Osteopaths

  • Physiotherapists

  • Sports physicians

  • Team doctors

  • SEM consultants

This course is relevant for UK and global audiences.

Registration fees

Registration typeFees
RCR member consultants and Fellows£295
RCR member trainees & AHP£215
Non-member consultants£395
Non-member trainees£265
LMIC Allied Healthcare Professional (AHP)£108
LMIC RCR Member Consultant & Fellows£148
LMIC Non-member consultants£198
LMIC Non-member trainee£133
LMIC RCR trainee member£108
Book now

Please refer to  the eligibility criteria below, if you’re still unsure which rate you’re eligible for please contact - [email protected]
RCR consultant Fellows and members: Consultants with an active RCR membership. 
RCR member trainee & non-member allied healthcare professionals (AHP): This applies to trainees with an active RCR membership

Allied healthcare professionals (AHP): Those who will not have an RCR membership, including, radiographers, physiotherapists, osteopaths, physicists, SHOs, SAS doctors and medical students.

Non-member consultants: Consultants who don't have an active RCR membership.
Non-member trainees: Trainees who don't have an active RCR membership. 

Lower middle income country registration: A reduced registration fee is available for those who reside in and working in a lower or middle income country (LMIC) as defined by the World Bank. These rates do not apply if you are originally from one of these countries but are now practising elsewhere.




Prof Rowena Johnson

Session 1
Dr Jon Houghton


Navigating muscle and tendon injuries: imaging classifications and diagnostic hurdles

Dr Sergio Gomes


Hamstring injuries: integrating imaging with surgical insights

Prof Ernest Schilders


The calf conundrum: imaging challenges in injury and recurrences

Dr Carles Pedret


Coffee break

Session 2
Prof Rowena Johnson


Scans that score: key requirements for professional football clubs

Dr Sarah Mecho


Interactive panel discussion: exploring the imaging and intervention challenges in professional sports

Dr Stijn Indeherberge, Dr Carles Pedret, Prof Waqar Bhatti, Prof Ernest Schilders, Dr Fabrizio Tencone



 Session 3


Game insights: perspectives from player and manager, Mark van Bommel

Mr Mark Van Bommel
Dr Stijn Indeherberge


Peak performance: MSK interventions tailored for elite athletes

Prof Rowena Johnson


Formula 1: imaging in the fast lane

Dr Justin Hughes


NBA: from dunking to diagnosing

Mr James Moore


Coffee break

 Session 4


In the game: integrating research in the Dutch national team

Dr Edwin Goedhart


Winning insights: what Champions League Club doctors need from radiologists

Dr Fabrizio Tencone


Healing in high definition: leveraging imaging in the rehabilitation journey

Dr Jesus Olmo


Closing remarks

Prof Rowena Johnson

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The Royal National Hotel
38-51 Bedford Way

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  • ‘Rowena and team did an excellent job. Many thanks for organising this wonderful course.’

    ‘Good speakers and topics with good balance of radiological and clinical perspective.’

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