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Webinar: SAS and LE Doctors in Radiology/Clinical Oncology

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Join Dr Vaishali Parulekar, RCR SAS Lead & Co-Chair AoMRC SAS Committee as they discuss the evolving role of SAS and LE doctors in our specialties. The session will also feature personal stories from a SAS Clinical Oncologist and SAS Specialist Radiologist together with insights on how to access your study budget from Associate Dean at NHS England – North West.

We look forward to you joining us.


Thursday 3 April 2025, 10:00-11:40


SAS and LE doctors working in clinical radiology and clinical oncology


Free to all





Welcome & The evolving role of SAS and LE doctors in our specialities

Dr Vaishali Parulekar, RCR SAS Lead & Co-Chair AoMRC SAS Committee


Hear Personal Stories from: 

SAS Clinical Oncologist Doctor

Dr Lyndon Ridges-Jones

SAS Specialist Doctor in Breast Radiology

Dr Mayada Haydar


How to access your study budget 

Dr Aruna Hodgson, Associate Dean (Hospital & Community) NHS England – North West


RCR Website: After completing your registration you will receive an email confirming your place. If you do not receive this email confirmation within 24 hours, please contact the Professional Networks Team at: [email protected]

Zoom: You will also receive a separate zoom link on 27 March to join the meeting

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Zarqa Ali
Corporate Partnerships
[email protected]

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