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UK Breast Radiotherapy Forum 2025

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Event overview

Date: 24 April 2025 (with contouring webinar on 27 March 2025)

This one-day practical workshop is designed for healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of breast cancer. You will gain comprehensive updates on the rationale and technical approaches for internal mammary chain radiotherapy, contouring for breast cancer radiotherapy, and the practical and technical approaches to the tumour bed boost. We will also be running a linked contouring webinar and practice cases prior to the live workshop.

This Forum includes optional contouring training and certification which can be used as part of radiotherapy quality assurance approval for the PARABLE and FAST-Forward Boost trials. Reading materials will be sent out in early March with a contouring hints and tips webinar on 27 March 2025 9:00-10:30. There will then be a 10-day window to complete two contouring exercises using Aquilab software. Delegate contours will be reviewed by the faculty and common pitfalls will be highlighted during the live Forum on 24 April. Individual feedback will be given and certificates issued in May 2025.

Attendees can opt to register for this workshop in-person or online. Please select your preference at the time of booking.  

14 CPD points will be awarded on completion of this course. This event will be available to view on-demand post event for paid delegates for 2 weeks. 

Learning objectives

  1. Stay updated: Understand the latest data on internal mammary node radiotherapy and learn to select appropriate radiotherapy techniques
  2. Master delineation: Confidently delineate target volumes for breast cancer radiotherapy
  3. Understand the rationale, practicalities and forthcoming research around tumour bed boost

Who should attend

This course is designed for healthcare professionals working in radiotherapy for breast cancer including, but not limited to:

  • Clinical oncology consultants
  • Clinical oncology trainees
  • Therapeutic radiographers
  • Breast practitioners 

The course will be of particular benefit to:

  • Healthcare professionals seeking to develop the quality of their breast cancer radiotherapy services
  • Those intending to be involved in the FAST Forward Boost trial.

This course is suitable for both a UK-based and global audiences.

Registration fees

Registration typeFees
RCR member consultants and Fellows£360
RCR member trainees & AHP£270
Non-member consultants£470
Non-member trainees £350
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LMIC Registration TypeFees
In-person - Allied Healthcare Professional (AHP)£135
In-person - Consultant RCR Fellow and member£180
In-person - Non-member consultants£235
In-person - Non-member trainee£175
In-person - RCR Trainee member£135
Online only - Allied Healthcare Professional (AHP)£135
Online only - Consultant RCR Fellow and member£180
Online only - Non-member consultants£235
Online only - Non-member trainee£175
Online only - RCR trainee member£135
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Please refer to the eligibility criteria below. If you’re still unsure which rate you’re eligible for please contact - [email protected]

RCR consultant Fellows and members: Consultants with an active RCR membership. 
RCR member trainee & non-member allied healthcare professionals (AHP): This applies to trainees with an active RCR membership, as well as AHP, who will not have an RCR membership, including, radiographers, physicists, SHOs, SAS doctors and medical students.
Non-member consultants: Consultants who don't have an active RCR membership.
Non-member trainees: Trainees who don't have an active RCR membership. 

Lower middle income country registration: A reduced registration fee is available for those who reside in and working in a lower or middle income country (LMIC) as defined by the World Bank. These rates do not apply if you are originally from one of these countries but are now practising elsewhere. 


Online session: 27 March 2025

Timings Schedule

Contouring for breast cancer radiotherapy
Dr Sarah Settatree

09:30 Introduction to Aquilab software for contouring exercise
09:55 Closing remarks

In person session: 24 April 2025

Timings Schedule
09:30 Registration and coffee

Welcome and introduction
Dr Anna Kirby

Session 1: In which patients should IMC RT be standard of care?
Led by Professor Charlotte Coles


What does the EBCTCG meta-analysis tell us about IMC RT?
Professor Carolyn Taylor


Do results stand up in the modern systemic Rx era?
Dr Anders Nielsen


How should I be treating the IMC with RT?
Dr Anna Kirby


Who needs proton beam therapy?
Dr Carmel Anandadas

11:20 Panel discussion/Q&A
11:40 Coffee break
Session 2: Contouring for breast cancer radiotherapy

Contouring feedback session
Dr Sarah Settatree


Autocontouring: pleasures and pitfalls


Common issues in breast RT trial RTTQA
Dr Elizabeth Miles

12:50 Panel discussion
13:00 Lunch
Session 3: The tumour bed boost - why, when and how? 

Who needs a tumour bed boost in 2025?
Dr Icro Meattini


How is boost RT being done in the UK? 
Dr Imogen Locke


What is the evidence for simultaneous integrated boost?
Professor Charlotte Coles


FAST-Forward Boost: Is 5# SIB safe and effective?
Dr Anna Kirby


A surgeon's guides to tumour beds in the oncoplastic era
Professor Cliona Kirwan


Contouring tumour beds in the oncoplastic era
Dr Carmel Anandadas

15:30 Panel discussion
15:50 Coffee break
Session 4: Horizon scanning 2025-2026

Combining modern systemic therapies and hypofraction: what's safe and what isn't?
Dr Icro Meattini


How will my practice change by 2026?
Professor Richard Simcock


Take home messages and meeting close
Dr Anna Kirby

17:00 Networking Drinks

Speaker faculty

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The Royal National Hotel
38-51 Bedford Way

This workshop will be offered both in-person and live-streamed for those attending online. We do recommend attending in-person to fully immerse yourself in the workshop experience, to connect with our faculty experts in-person, and network with your peers and colleagues.

If you intend to join the workshop from home, please ensure you have good internet connection to take part in live activities.

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  • Be a valuable part of the RCR’s growing community
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  • Share details of new products and services
  • Support and invest in the RCR’s mission: supporting excellence in medical imaging and cancer treatment. 

If you are interested in partnering with us at this event or future events, please contact:

Zarqa Ali
Corporate Partnerships
[email protected]

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