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FRCR part 1: Physics Exam Preparation Course

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Event overview

This two-day online revision course will provide delegates with an understanding of the scientific basis of medical imaging relevant to the FRCR part 1 physics exam. Developed and delivered by a faculty of medical physicists from clinical, academic and industry backgrounds, this course will equip delegates with essential tips and techniques for approaching the multiple-choice questions. 

Our expert faculty will cover a selection of key topics within all 8 areas of the exam as outlined in the event programme. You will hear insights from successful past candidates and have the opportunity to participate in live Q&A sessions across the days. Questions can also be submitted in advance to our experienced faculty.

Please note this event will be available to view on-demand post event for delegates.

Learning objectives

Through this course, attendees will:

  1. Develop a deeper understanding of the eight core subject areas of the FRCR part 1 physics exam
  2. Gain knowledge of techniques for tackling multiple-choice questions and benefit from practical experience through worked examples
  3. Feel more confident in making the best selection of imaging type for clinical scenarios

Who should attend?

Global and UK clinical radiology trainees preparing to take the FRCR part 1 physics exam in September 2025

All delegates are invited and encouraged to submit questions on physics topics ahead of the course and there is an expectation to actively participate in sessions where required.

Registration fees

Registration typeFees
RCR member trainee & AHP£225
Non-members trainee£275
Book now

Please refer to  the eligibility criteria below, if you’re still unsure which rate you’re eligible for please contact - [email protected]
RCR Member Trainee- Trainees with an active RCR membership.
Non-Members Trainee & AHP- Trainees and allied healthcare professionals who don't have an active RCR membership. This includes radiographers, physicists, SHOs, SAS doctors and medical students. 

Exam Prep: FRCR part 1 Physics Course Program Outline

Day 1 - Wednesday 25 June 2025




Introduction and Welcome


Matter and Radiation


Comfort Break


Radiation Safety


Radiography, Fluoroscopy & Angiography (combined session)


Comfort break




A recent successful candidate’s perspective


Event wrap up


Event close

Day 2: Thursday 26 June 2025




Introduction and Welcome




Comfort Break




Radionuclide Imaging 


Comfort Break


Common themes for multiple imaging


A recent successful candidate's perspective


Event wrap up


Event close


This workshop will be delivered via Zoom, a link to join the event will be sent in your joining instructions one week before the event.

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A partnership with the RCR offers your company the opportunity to form a mutually beneficial relationship, built on collaboration and connection. We provide a range of flexible ways to get involved to suit your needs, including our new Annual Partnership packages, targeted one and two-day events and innovative e-learning resources.
Here’s how partnering with the RCR can benefit your company:

  • Become a valued part of the RCR’s growing community of radiologists, oncologists and other healthcare professionals
  • Network and engage face-to-face and online with multidisciplinary audiences, including key decision-makers in medical imaging and cancer treatment
  • Showcase your innovations and share details of your latest products and services directly
  • Support and invest in the RCR’s mission of supporting excellence in medical imaging and cancer treatment, enhancing your brand and demonstrating your commitment to advancing healthcare.

If you are interested in partnering with us at this event or future events, please contact:

Zarqa Ali
Corporate Partnerships
[email protected]

Find out more about partnering with the RCR