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Annual Trainee Oncology Meeting (ATOM) 2025

Members: £185Non-Members: £215
Book now

Event overview

Calling all clinical oncology trainees across the UK and Ireland! Mark your calendars for 10 and 11 May 2025 as we gather in Manchester for two-days of engaging workshops and stimulating discussions. 

The conference programme will cover a range of topics relevant to clinical oncology, including radiotherapy planning workshops, career progression, exam techniques and updates on hot topics in clinical oncology.

This is a fantastic opportunity to network with fellow professionals, learn about the latest developments in our field, develop your skills and enhance your practice. 

10 CPD points will be awarded on completion of pre-course activities and on-the-day participation. Please note this event will not be available to view on-demand post event. 

Learning objectives

  1. To understand and explore techniques used for different aspects of radiotherapy (including SABR, MR-Linac, re-irradiation) and to have experience and feedback in contouring and planning. 
  2. To provide exam focused sessions for those preparing for part 1 & part 2 FRCR and post exam pre CCT opportunities.

Who should attend

This event is for UK and Ireland delegates only.

  • Member oncology trainees
  • Non-member oncology trainees
  • Pre CCT Fellows

All delegates are expected to participate in a pre-course contouring activity and on-the-day interactive sessions at the conference.

Registration fees

Registration typeFees
RCR member trainees£185
Non-member trainees£215
Book now

Please refer to the eligibility criteria below, if you’re still unsure which rate you’re eligible for please contact - [email protected].
RCR Member Trainee – Oncology trainees, including pre-CCT fellows who have not yet finished their training, with an active RCR membership. 

Non-Members Trainee – Oncology trainees, including pre-CCT fellows who have not yet finished their training, who don't have an active RCR membership.


Saturday 10 May




Registration and refreshments


Welcome from the organisers

Dr Zhu Chuen Oong, ST7 Clinical Oncology, The Christie NHS Trust

Dr Eleanor McCarthy, St4 Clinical Oncology, The Christie NHS Trust

Dr Iskandar Mohamed


Welcome from The Christie

Dr Ruth Conroy, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Faculty Lead, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust


Update from the RCR

Dr Louise Hanna, Medical Director, Education and Training, Clinical Oncology


History of Radiotherapy

Prof Peter Hoskin, Consultant Clinical Oncology, Radreach patron




Lymphoma - The evolution of modern radiotherapy in lymphoma

Prof Tim Illidge


Breast - A multi-disciplinary approach

12:00: Dr Selene Liew(Consultant Radiologist, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS FT), Mr Kumaresh Subramanian (Speciality Doctor, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust), Mr Bade Murthy

12:30: Dr Carmel Anandadas, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust




Radiotherapy Contouring - Pan-Pelvis Lymph Node Contouring

Dr Martin Swinton

Dr Kate Haslett

Dr Peter Mbanu, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Christie Hospital


Lung - The management of Stage 3 Lung Cancer

Prof Corinne Faivre-Finn, Consultant, The Christie NHS Trust & University of Manchester




Orthopaedics for Oncologists 

Mr Hiren Divecha, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon


Talk TBC


End of Day 1


Course Dinner at The Alan, Manchester

Sunday 11 May




Registration and refreshments


Talk TBC


Urology - Non Surgical Management of Bladder Cancer 

09:45: Prof Ananya Choudhury, Chair and Honorary Consultant in Clinical Oncology

Urology: Novel Systemic Treatments of Prostate Cancer on the Horizon

10:15: Dr Andrew Hudson, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust




On set imaging review

Mrs Laura Clarke - Superintendent Radiographer, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust


Breakout Sessions: Physics

Miss Zoe Turpin (Advanced Radiotherapy Physics Practitioner, The Christie NHS FDT), Ms Rachael Hall (Principle Clinical Scientist)




Advanced Radiotherapy

13:30: Prof David Thomson - Protons, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

13:50: Dr Nicky Thorpe - Paediatrics, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

14:10: Dr Ganesh Radhakrishna - MR guided Adaptive Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Trust & University of Manchester


Breakout sessions: Career

Dr Helen Lander - Pre FRCR Part 1

Dr Shermaine Pan - Pre FRCR Part 2, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Dr David Woolf - Post FRCR Part 2, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie NHS Trust & University of Manchester


Event Closing

Dr Zhu Chuen Oong, ST7 Clinical Oncology, The Christie NHS Trust

Dr Eleanor McCarthy, St4 Clinical Oncology, The Christie NHS Trust

Dr Iskandar Mohamed 



Speaker faculty

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The Christie Institute For Cancer Education Manchester
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
M20 4BX

1 of 1
  • “Loved the opportunity for working through contouring workshops with experts.”

    “Very inclusive event and well organised.”

Partner with the RCR

A partnership with the RCR offers your company the opportunity to form a mutually beneficial relationship, built on collaboration and connection. We provide a range of flexible ways to get involved to suit your needs, including our new Annual Partnership packages, targeted one and two-day events and innovative e-learning resources.
Here’s how partnering with the RCR can benefit your company:

  • Become a valued part of the RCR’s growing community of radiologists, oncologists and other healthcare professionals
  • Network and engage face-to-face and online with multidisciplinary audiences, including key decision-makers in medical imaging and cancer treatment
  • Showcase your innovations and share details of your latest products and services directly
  • Support and invest in the RCR’s mission of supporting excellence in medical imaging and cancer treatment, enhancing your brand and demonstrating your commitment to advancing healthcare.

If you are interested in partnering with us at this event or future events, please contact:

Zarqa Ali
Corporate Partnerships
[email protected]

Find out more about partnering with the RCR

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