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5 CPD credits

3rd Annual RCR BSPR Study Day: Paediatric Trauma and Injuries

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Event overview

Following on from the success of our previous courses, we are pleased to bring you the third joint Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and British Society of Paediatric Radiology (BSPR) study day 2024.

This interactive comprehensive virtual course will focus on imaging injury and trauma in the child. It will help build confidence in your practice over a range of traumatic and injured cases in children with a good variety of content including trauma protocols, imaging techniques and rapid case review. Programme topics will cover body imaging, contrast US, trauma in abuse and neuroradiology.

 5 CPD points will be awarded on completion of this course. Please note this event will not be available to view on-demand post event.

Learning objectives

  1. Get the latest updates on trauma imaging paediatric protocols.
  2. Explore trauma and injury case reviews spanning body trauma and common injuries.
  3. Gain an understanding of trauma in abuse and neuroradiology cases across imaging modalities.

Who should attend?

  • Paediatric radiology consultants
  • Consultants with an interest in paediatric imaging
  • Senior paediatric trainees
  • Clinical radiology trainees with an interest in paediatric imaging
  • MSK consultants
  • Allied healthcare professionals

This course is relevant to healthcare professionals based in the UK and globally.

Registration fees

Registration typeFees
Trainees, allied healthcare professionals and concessions£120
RCR Consultant Fellows and members£200
Non-member £295
Book now



Session Title

09:30 - 09:35

Welcome, house-keeping and introductions

Dr Rhianydd Williams, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust & Dr John Adu, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

09:35 - 10:00

Trauma protocols

Dr John Adu, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

10:05 - 10:45

Nuances of Imaging in Paediatric Abdominal Trauma

Dr Tejas Kapadia, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital Charity

10:45 - 11:10

Coffee break

11:10 - 11:50

Neuroradiology in trauma cases

Dr Helen Cliffe, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

11:50 - 12:20

Trauma in suspected physical abuse

Dr Adam Oates, Birmingham Children's Hospital

12:20 - 12:50

Paediatric Trauma case review

Dr Louise Hattingh, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

12:50 - 13:35

Lunch break

13:35 - 14:15

How to approach paediatric fractures

Dr Manigandan Thyagarajan, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

14:15 - 14:45

Paeds Elbow injury

Dr Sharon Brown, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust

14:45 - 15:10

Coffee break

15:10 - 15:50

Adolescent Knee Injury Imaging

Dr Nik Papadakos, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

15:50 - 16:00

Closing remarks

Dr Rhianydd Williams, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Event close

Speaker faculty

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This workshop will be delivered online using Zoom between 9.30 am-4.30 pm.

1 of 1
  • ‘All round excellent presentations which reinforced my existing knowledge and taught me new things' 

    ‘Excellent talks with great selection of cases’

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A partnership with the RCR offers your company the opportunity to form a mutually beneficial relationship, built on collaboration and connection. The RCR offers a variety of ways to get involved, including our new Annual Partnership packages, one and two-day events and our e-learning resources.

  • Be a valuable part of the RCR’s growing community
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  • Share details of new products and services
  • Support and invest in the RCR’s mission: supporting excellence in medical imaging and cancer treatment. 

If you are interested in partnering with us at this event or future events, please contact:

Catherine Bratcher
Head of Learning
+44 20 3805 4053