Guidelines for RCR event speakers
Learning outcomes
We ask that event leads provide up to three learning outcomes for the event, and that your session allows delegates to achieve these. When delegates are asked for feedback post-event they will rank whether they think these learning outcomes have been met.
Presentation checklist
Only include the key points in your PowerPoint.
Use a large font size (18pt minimum) and sans-serif fonts such as Helvetica, Arial and Verdana.
Limit the number of slides (we suggest 1 slide per 90 seconds maximum).
Ensure graphics, tables and text are of a sufficient size to be clearly visible at distance. Images should be high resolution (300dpi).
Use high contrast colours between text and the background i.e., black and white or dark blue and white.
PowerPoint slides should be standard size (16:9 ratio). If you would like a powerpoint template the RCR can provide one for you to use.
Add arrows or markers to images on slides to indicate areas of interest or use a laser pointer when presenting.
If your lecture is being recorded, it is best practice to add arrows or markers, as these will allow viewers to follow the lecture more easily.
- Don’t rush your talk, allow enough time to speak clearly to your audience.
- At in-person events, a laptop with PowerPoint facilities, Wi-Fi connection, and a laser pointer will be provided as standard.
- Where possible, please email your presentation in advance of the course to your event lead. In-person speakers should also bring your presentations on a USB memory stick.
- Where it is necessary for you to present from your own laptop at an in-person event, please ensure you bring the relevant cables (including the relevant adapter to HDMI), particularly if you have an Apple Device.
Audience engagement
Learning is enhanced when your audience is fully engaged in your talk. Consider the following to boost engagement:
- Always leave at least 5 minutes at the end of your talk for questions
- Build in interactive polls to allow the audience to share their thoughts in the moment
- Be aware of your audience's needs, identify if anyone has specific accessibility requirements
- At in-person events, find time to network with your audience at break times.
Copyright and confidentiality:
Ensure any images, video and graphics included in your activity are copyright-free or that you have consent to use them (please refer to the use of copyrighted material in educational resources before preparing your presentation).
It is essential that you check your presentation for any copyright issues as failure to comply may result in legal action against the RCR.
Presentations must not include any text or images that might identify a patient.
You can use photographic or radiological images of patients created in your place of work as long as they are fully anonymised, and patients are not identifiable from the images, or any data files attached. This means not only removing their name and date of birth from the actual image, but also any identifiers such as NHS/ hospital number, hospital name, doctors name, etc. from any metadata file attached.
Presenting at online events:
Online events are hosted on Zoom or occasionally on a bespoke platform.
- Always ensure that you join the call at least 15 minutes before your scheduled talk, and that your internet connection is stable.
- Consider your virtual background – plain backgrounds are recommended so as not to distract your audience.
Speakers will usually share their own PowerPoint presentations (or the RCR event lead can do this if preferred). A virtual pointer will be available, as will an audience Q&A system and an audience response system (for voting/polling).
If you haven’t used arrows or markers in your presentation to indicate areas of interest, please use the virtual pointer.
An audience response system (for voting/polling) will be available at most events (if you require the use of an audience response system, please should contact your event lead as early as possible).
Declaration of interests
All speakers must complete the declaration of interests that will be sent prior to the event. If you have a conflict of interest, you must include a slide at the beginning of your presentation (for which we can provide a template) and make an oral statement.
Useful downloads
This document sets out our policy for managing conflicts of interest for any individual undertaking work on our behalf.
See more on event guidance
For further information on our events and webinars, please refer to this guidance.