LEARN MOREIf you have an enquiry regarding our CPD Scheme which is not answered below, please contact the team:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0207 405 1282, option 5
Enrolment in the CPD Scheme
You will be enrolled in the RCR CPD Scheme from the first of the month following that in which eligibility for Specialist Registration is achieved.
Clinical oncologists or clinical radiologists who take up staff positions in the UK without a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), including those who trained or have been employed overseas, should contact [email protected] to effect their enrolment in the CPD Scheme.
If you wish to continue to work in your current field, you will need to demonstrate to your appraiser (as part of forthcoming revalidation requirements) that you are keeping up to date in your field of work. Whilst we recommend that this can most easily be achieved through participating in the our CPD Scheme, it is not mandatory to be part of it. You may wish to undertake CPD outside of our scheme, however the requirement would remain that your appraiser would want to see evidence of your CPD, and CPD will certainly form an important component of the supporting information required for revalidation.
The updates to the CPD Scheme will not affect the start or end date of your five-year CPD cycle or the overall target requirement of 250 CPD credits.
As an example, if your CPD five-year period started on 1 January 2010 and ended on 31 December 2014, the CPD activities you undertook in the first year would be eligible for CPD credits as per stated in the first edition of the RCR CPD Scheme, the next three years would be eligible for CPD credits as stated in the second edition of the Scheme and the final year would be eligible for CPD credits as per stated in the third edition of the RCR CPD scheme.
RCR CPD Scheme, Third Edition (valid from 1 July 2014) PDF
RCR CPD Scheme, Second Edition (valid from 1 January 2011) PDF
RCR CPD Scheme, First Edition (valid until 31 December 2010) PDF
The target of 250 credits applies to all regardless of the number of sessions per week that are worked. Doctors working less than full-time have an equal obligation to supply high-quality patient care and to update their skills as those working full-time and thus should keep the same commitment to their CPD. Colleges and faculties, as well as employers, should be as flexible as possible in enabling this commitment to be met for all doctors.
There is no waiver for the requirement of 250 points of CPD in five years. Short periods of absence from CPD or imbalance in one year can, and should, be redressed over the five-year period.
You should participate in CPD activities to the greatest extent possible. Any deficit in CPD activity should be made up over the remainder of the five-year cycle. This may be achieved either prospectively (where possible), retrospectively after return to clinical work, or a combination.
We consider the maintenance of CPD in these circumstances to be essential to your personal development plan and for appraisal. Where the absence is for more than a year, advice from the College or Faculty should be sought, and advice will be provided by the CPD Lead.
All individuals practising in the UK, however infrequently or few sessions, should take part in the CPD Scheme. Doctors must keep up to date with any clinical treatments when undertaking medical-related work. Doctors undertaking medical-related work (e.g., medico-legal work) which requires them to be licensed will need to revalidate and participate in CPD.
Yes. All individuals practising in the UK, however infrequently or few sessions, should participate in the CPD Scheme. Doctors must keep up to date with any clinical treatments when undertaking medical work. Doctors undertaking medical-related work (e.g., medico-legal work) which requires them to be licensed will need to revalidate and participate in CPD.
No. Once involvement in clinical practice has ceased, enrolment in the CPD Scheme can be discontinued. Please contact the CPD Office at [email protected] so that the appropriate action can be taken. At the same time, arrangements can usually be made to continue membership of the College at a much-reduced subscription rate.
Yes, if you wish to revalidate. The content of your CPD activities should reflect and support the range of your professional practice.
We strongly encourage all specialist registered members and Fellows to participate in the scheme to the fullest extent possible to benefit from further education. All those who are involved in the training and education of specialist registrars are required to be up to date with their CPD targets. CPD will contribute a significant part of any doctor’s evidence required for revalidation by the GMC.
No. If you exceed 250 credits in one cycle you cannot carry the extra credits into the next five-year cycle.
Approved CPD activities
CPD credits can be earned by formal participation in distance learning events with CPD approval. Documentation from the organising body (e.g., multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) test, certificate, etc.) giving the title and date of the event, and the number of CPD credits achieved (including name of awarding body) must be retained by the individual, with a reflective learning record completed for each hour claimed.
This question is most appropriately addressed to the event organiser.
Organisers of events that are accredited by the College are responsible for issuing certificates based on level of attendance at an event. Participants should always ask for a certificate before leaving an event if one is not offered.
Recording CPD activities
For most of an individual's CPD period we do not know how many credits have been achieved. Towards the end of an individual's five-year CPD period, we will ask an individual to indicate how many CPD credits have been achieved in each category.
The CPD journal tool is found on the RCR Learning Hub
Doctors abroad
The GMC website can provide information about return to practice and other requirements you will need to satisfy. If doctors wish to return to the UK and are maintaining GMC registration, keeping up with CPD would be strongly recommended. Recording your CPD in a portfolio will help to demonstrate that you are meeting the standards of your area of practice and will act as supporting information to take to subsequent appraisals. You may also be required to be CPD compliant with any new professional body with which you register to practise abroad.
The RCR has no jurisdiction outside the UK and therefore cannot prescribe CPD activities must be undertaken. However, the RCR encourages individuals to keep their CPD up to date.
If you want to continue with your CPD you should ideally participate in the RCR CPD Scheme or follow recommendations of the Scheme. For information about meeting the requirements for revalidation while you are outside the UK, please consult the GMC website.
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Find out more about CPD and events
Discover all the events and CPD opportunities offered by the college.