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RCR standards and guidance consultations

From time to time we request your feedback on draft standards and guidance documents.

Standards for the reporting and interpretation of imaging investigations

The College is pleased to announce that the public consultation is now open for the draft Standards for the reporting and interpretation of imaging investigations guidance. 

These reporting standards stipulate the minimum levels expected of all reporters providing services to, UK patients. By providing a baseline of standards that all reporters should achieve, the quality and consistency of imaging interpretation can be assured. A full review of the second edition of this guidance has taken place and once published this guidance will replace the 2018 version.

Below you will find the guidance draft and comments form. Please review the guidance and if you have any feedback, please complete the comments form, and email the form to [email protected].

The public consultation will close at 5pm on 20 March 2025.

Acute Oncology Job Plan

The College is pleased to announce that the public consultation is now open for the draft Acute Oncology job plan template

This generic Acute Oncology job plan template has been developed to support job planning to help trusts develop new Acute Oncology posts. It has been developed by a UK Acute Oncology Society consultant subgroup in conjunction with the Royal College of Radiologists and Association of Cancer Physicians. 

Below you will find the job plan template and comments form. Please review the document and if you have any feedback, please complete the comments form, and email the form to [email protected].

The public consultation will close at 5pm on 24 March 2025.   

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