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Medical Training Initiative (MTI)

Our MTI scheme is part of the national Medical Training Initiative (MTI). It is designed to allow a limited number of overseas doctors to enter the UK for a maximum of two years, to benefit from training and development in the NHS.

Update 19/12/2024: Change to the MTI application fee. From 6 January 2025 the application fees for the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) scheme will be revised.

More information

About the scheme

Before beginning an MTI application, applicants and UK employers must read the Eligibility Criteria section to ensure that the applicant can meet the minimum eligibility requirements for the MTI, for General Medical Council (GMC) registration and for the Tier 5 visa.

  • The scheme covers sponsorship for full GMC medical registration and for a Tier 5 visa -  the College makes a recommendation for sponsorship to the GMC for full registration.
  • The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) is the national visa sponsors and issuers of the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for the Tier 5 Visa. 
  • Sponsorship can only be offered for a job with a defined educational and training benefit to the applicant. The scheme should not be used to address workforce issues at a service level.
  • The GMC only allows sponsorship on this basis, and our agreement with the GMC allows us to sponsor those who are working at specialty registrar level, using spare NHS training capacity.
  • The Tier 5 visa can only be issued with confirmation that there is no suitable doctor from the UK or EEA to take up that job. 
  • The scheme is not suitable for candidates who either have full FRCR or PLAB, and in this case a Tier 2 visa will be required.

  • Please note that MTI is not intended to provide a steppingstone to longer term employment in the UK under a Tier 2 visa.

  • The MTI scheme cannot be used for GMC registration alone and all MTI applicants must apply for a Tier 5 visa.

Application process

A step by step of the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) application process for clinical radiology and clinical oncology.
Read our application breakdown

Guidance for UK supervising consultants

Guidelines for UK supervising consultants recruiting for the clinical radiology and clinical oncology MTI scheme.

Guidance for potential MTI applicants

Direction for clinical radiology and clinical oncology applicants of our Medical Training Initiative scheme.

In-post guidance

A selection of resources for use once your MTI training position has begun.

FAQs for UK employers

Please note

There are a limited number of Tier 5 visas available, across all specialties.  Our MTI exists as part of our commitment to facilitate philanthropic international activity across both our faculties.  When allocating visas, priority is given to applicants from lower and lower middle-income countries, as listed by the Department for International Development (DfID). 

Although those from other countries can use the scheme, this approach is supported by us as the scheme is intended primarily for doctors from countries with less developed economies. For further information please visit the AoMRC website.

We sponsor on the understanding that MTI applicants will finish their placements and return to their home country at their conclusion. Any changes to the agreed post must be taken up with the RCR before they are implemented. A failure to do that may compromise our sponsorship and consequently the applicant's immigration status.

All enquiries regarding MTI should be emailed to the Training Administrator.

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