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Radiology Events and Learning (REAL)

Interactive clinician learning from errors and ambiguous cases. A library of case studies and interactive resources built by the REAL faculty and peer reviewed case studies.

The role of Radiology Events and Learning and its Meetings is educational, and is laid out in the Standards for Radiology Events and Learning Meetings (REALMS) document.

The REAL library and online resource is accessible to RCR members only.

If you are interested in accessing REAL or finding out more about the benefits of RCR membership, please visit our RCR membership page.

RCR membership

REAL Online

A collection of online, interactive themed modules of cases utilising an embedded DICOM reader, hosted on RCR Learning.

These are designed to help radiologists practice identifying good spots and review ambiguous cases with greater confidence.

REAL Newsletters

A library of REAL newsletters from 2019 - 2024. These editions include published member letters and showcase real scenarios, addressing a range of intriguing questions and topical points, offering readers greater exposure to difficult and unusual cases. 


Submit a case study

The REAL Panel are currently reviewing all existing cases submitted and we are temporarily unable to accept new submissions. 

We will re-open submissions along with a more streamlined, updated process in early 2025, with updates to members once a date is confirmed. 

We are grateful to everyone who has previously shared and submitted cases to REAL and would like to encourage you to continue to look out for interesting cases suitable for publication and sharing though our REAL learning platform in the future. 

In the meantime, please explore the REAL resources for existing cases and keep an eye out for new ones as they are published.

Upcoming REAL events

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    6th National RCR Radiology Events and Learning Meeting (REALM)

    Following the well-received and sold-out previous conferences in Cambridge, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and Bristol, we continue to bring our REAL conference to areas around the UK.

    13 CPD credits

Real Faculty members

The review panel oversees the production and promotion of the REAL newsletter and REAL Online including considering cases which have been submitted for inclusion.

For enquires, contact the REAL Faculty at:

[email protected]

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