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Undergraduate clinical oncology

One in two people in the UK will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. Cancer survival rates in the UK have doubled over the last 40 years. Half of the people diagnosed with cancer now survive for at least 10 years. The number of people living with cancer will double in the next 20 years.

This means that virtually all doctors will come into contact with patients who have cancer or have had cancer.

We believe it is vital for medical students to be adequately prepared during their undergraduate years to be able to safely manage patients with cancer from day one.

Our activities

We offer a range of resources, opportunities, and events to encourage undergraduates to learn more about oncology and to increase awareness of clinical oncology at the undergraduate level including:

British Oncology Network for Undergraduate Societies (BONUS)

A network to support undergraduate oncology societies in UK medical schools and bring together students interested in oncology. 

Undergraduate Non-Surgical Oncology Curriculum

curriculum for medical schools designed to provide a basis for undergraduate non-surgical oncology teaching to facilitate medical students gaining the competencies required to manage patients with cancer appropriately when they graduate.

Annual Oncology careers day

Every year in May or June, the RCR holds a one-day meeting for undergraduates interested in oncology. 

Elective bursaries 

Five bursaries funded by the RCR are available on an annual basis and are intended to support medical students wishing to undertake an elective period of study in clinical oncology in the UK or abroad.


An essay prize and a research prize are available for undergraduates annually, as is an award for innovation and excellence in undergraduate teaching, all funded by the EAR Edinburgh Congress. Also available every year is the opportunity for undergraduate societies to be named "RCR Undergraduate Society of the Year."

The Clinical Oncology Undergraduate Steering Committee

Our exams and training

Discover our resources on exams and training, which include help and guidance on taking the exams, alongside regulatory policies.

Exams & training