Medical Students
Clinical oncology
Clinical oncology specialises in the treatment of cancer with systemic therapies (including chemotherapy, targeted agents, immunotherapy) and radiotherapy. It involves working closely within a multidisciplinary team, which can include specialist nurses, radiographers, physicists, dieticians, and speech and language therapists.
Clinical radiology
If you are after a specialty that is challenging, satisfying and innovative, this could be the path for you. Radiologists tend to be problem-solvers with broad clinical knowledge and a keen eye for detail. They also have good communication skills; necessary because they are often the ‘go-to person’ for other clinicians.
What is it really like working in our specialties?
Personal accounts from clinical oncology and clinical radiology students, trainees and consultants.
Undergraduate curriculum
Our college has created recommended undergraduate radiology and oncology curriculums which many medical schools have incorporated into their courses.
Clinical oncology curriculum
The curriculum provides a training framework, describing the standard required to achieve a certificate of completion of training (CCT) and the expected levels of progress throughout training.
Clinical radiology curriculum
The clinical radiology curriculum aims to meet patient and service need by ensuring that trainees develop the specialty-specific capabilities necessary to become a consultant radiologist.
Career development
Our expert advice will guide you through all stages of your career, from choosing the right specialty, to offering support through professional networks.