Less Than Full-Time Training
Category 1
Doctors in training with a disability or ill health or responsibility for caring for children or an ill/disabled partner, relative or other dependant. It is expected that those in category 1 will be accommodated to train LTFT.
Category 2
Doctors in training with unique opportunities for their own personal/professional development, for example training for national/international sporting events, or short-term extraordinary responsibility, for example a national committee.
Doctors with a religious commitment such as training for a particular religious role which requires a specific amount of time commitment, or non-medical professional development such as management courses, law courses, fine arts courses, or diploma in complementary therapies. Where practical, all efforts will be made to provide flexible training for these applicants.
Category 3
The College and Health Education England are committed to increasing flexibility in postgraduate training. Feedback indicates that many trainees would appreciate the opportunity to pursue a more flexible approach to training.
LTFT Training Category 3 allows trainees to request the opportunity to undertake a period of less than full time training for personal choice and was initially piloted in Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Following the success of the pilot, this opportunity is now being expanded to Radiology.
Guidance including guidance for employers, can be found below:
The application process usually takes at least three months, so as soon as you have made your decision you should discuss your plans with your TPD. The more notice a scheme has the more likely you will be able to be accommodated. This process needs to occur annually or if there are any changes to your training.
Step 1: Notify your deanery stating your reason for wishing to train LTFT. It must fall into one of the two categories above, and your deanery will assess your eligibility.
Step 2: Get agreement for funding from your Trust. You may be LTFT in a full time slot, slot sharing or supernumerary.
Step 3: Get your job educationally approved. Speak to your TPD.
If you switch to training LTFT you need to inform us so we can update your expected CCT date. Just send an email to [email protected] . If you would like to know what impact switching to LTFT will have on your expected CCT date before you apply for it, we can help you with the calculations.
Local support
Most training programs have a consultant lead for LTFT training, and many deaneries will have specific advisors. There is usually LTFT trainee representation in local faculty groups and training committees.
Our support
LTFT Trainee Representative Dr Sam Fossey
There is a nationally elected LTFT trainee representative on the RCR’s Junior Radiologists’ Forum. Dr Sam Fossey is a Brighton trainee who is highly active in advocating for LTFT trainees. She is passionate about supporting those who are returning after a period away and is happy to be contacted by any trainee who needs advice or support. If you wish to contact Sam, email [email protected] and we will forward your email to her.
LTFT Training and Working Advisor Dr Kate Hawton
Dr Kate Hawtin is a consultant at University College Hospital in London and current UCH Radiology Training Programme Director. She trained LTFT and although now working full-time, is the London School of Radiology's Return-to-Work Champion and co-wrote their return-to-work guidance. In her role as our LTFT Training and Working Advisor, Kate is responsible for advising the College, trainees and consultants, on issues relating to LTFT activity. Dr Hawtin and Dr Fossey work together to ensure both trainees and consultants who practice LTFT are fully informed and supported.
We support the Gold Guide statement that less than full time trainees : "will reflect the same balance of work as their full-time colleagues. Day-time working, on-call and out-of-hours duties will normally be undertaken on a basis pro rata to that worked by full-time trainees in the same grade and specialty unless the circumstances that justify LTFT training make this inappropriate/impossible."
If operational circumstances at the employing organisation make pro rata on call/out of hours duties impossible, then it must be ensured that legal and educational requirements are met.
In 2019, Dr Fossey carried out a survey of all clinical radiology LTFT trainees and has published the results and some recommendations for action. Dr Fossey and Dr Hawtin will be working to implement the recommendations and would like input from LTFT trainees. If you have suggestions for them or would like to help, please contact [email protected] and we will put you in touch.
Career development
Our expert advice will guide you through all stages of your career, from choosing the right specialty, to offering support through professional networks.