Academic radiology & research
The committee will explore methods to encourage and foster research in clinical radiology by:
- Actively supporting trainees and consultant radiologists commencing research or developing their research interests.
- Advising our Specialty Training Board on academic training posts, research training and on ways to increase opportunities for research within the training programme.
- Liaising closely with the Editor of Clinical Radiology about developing appropriate mechanisms for promoting research outputs via the journal.
- Continuing with the joint Fellowship schemes (with the Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK) and exploring and developing arrangements for proposed joint funding of research with other appropriate research funding bodies.
- Organising meetings to provide research career guidance, training in research methodology and opportunities for networking among research-active radiologists, trainees and academics.
- Running various research funding schemes such as the Kodak Radiology Fund Scholarship to support and nurture the research careers of clinical radiologists.
- Creating a database of research active radiologists and trainees with specialty interests to facilitate research and career development.
Patient & Public Involvement
NIHR INVOLVE aims to support active public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research. They have produced an online resource which includes 10 briefing notes for researchers on how to involve members of the public in research.
CRASH! Podcast
The RCR CRASH! podcast series is all about Clinical Radiology Academics Speaking Honestly. Exploring the motivations, challenges, and rewards of a career in academic radiology there promises to be rich discussion from people at all stages of their research journey.

Research Certificate Scheme
The Research Certificate Scheme has been introduced to promote radiology research amongst non-academic radiologists, encourage them to engage in research activities and gain acknowledgement for their experience.
Funding for research
There are many sources of funding for imaging projects across the UK, US and Europe.
Research guidance & advice
Research is recognised to be an important component of the curriculum, and these resources will help guide trainees through a research project from its inception to its conclusion.
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Career development
Our expert advice will guide you through all stages of your career, from choosing the right specialty, to offering support through professional networks.