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The RadReach mentoring scheme

We have made a strong commitment to addressing inequality and improving inclusivity for the benefit of its members, Fellows, and ultimately, the patients they treat.

The RadReach mentoring scheme aims to transform training at an elemental level and offer continued support for final year medical students and/or foundation scheme doctors from a widening participation background.

All mentors and mentees will be paired through a matching process via the mentoring platform. Once matched, the commitment for mentors and mentees will be for one year. We suggest you have 6 - 8 one-hour meetings over this period. Our Mentoring Team will check in with mentor and mentees throughout the year to offer support and answer queries.

Read our editorial piece in Clinical Radiology discussing equity of opportunity in radiology and oncology.

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  • “We recruit mentors who are passionate about widening participation to improve our workforce and the care our patients receive. Mentors will receive training and can be radiology and oncology registrars, Fellows and consultants. RadReach is not the usual mentoring scheme – RadReach is a long-term growing community.”

    Dr Jade Scott-BlagroveFounder of RadReach & Widening Participation Medics Network (WPMN)

Applications to the RadReach mentoring scheme for 2025 are now live

Please click on the below links to become a mentee or mentor.

If you would like to find out about upcoming events and webinars please complete the stay in touch form. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]

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Discover the benefits of becoming a RadReach mentor

Become a RadReach mentee

Receive impartial advice and guidance through a supportive relationship. 


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