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Clinical Directors Network

The Clinical Directors Professional Network has been established to develop a professional community of practice for those responsible for the day-to-day running of clinical radiology services.

Join the steering group

We are seeking members for the Clinical Directors network steering group. Apply by 31 March 2025.

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  • Provide opportunities or regular liaison between the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and radiology clinical directors across the four nations.
  • Develop a professional community of practice for those responsible for the day to day running of clinical radiology services.


Unlocking financial support

A webinar on securing funding from executives to expand your service. Chaired by Dr Robin Proctor, Medical Director for Professional Practice, The Royal College of Radiologists, Robin was joined by Dr Amrish Mehta (Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust), David Botha (Executive Director, Business and Resources, RCR) and Yazmin Roberts (University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust) who shared their perspectives and valuable insights into this important topic.

Job planning

Dr Raman Uberoi, Medical Director for Professional Practice, hosted a webinar on Job Planning together with a Q&A session with Dr Stephen Harden, Vice President for Clinical Radiology, The Royal College of Radiologists. Highlights of key points and data were also shared from the recent RCR Census.

Managing underperforming colleagues

Dr Ashley Shaw, Medical Director at Cambridge University Hospitals discusses how he approaches these issues, along with his team in Cambridge, from the minor to the major cases. Managing colleagues can be a difficult and often stressful experience for leaders at all levels.

Implementation of iRefer in practice

Dr James Diss PhD FRCR, Consultant Radiologist, shares his experience of implementing iRefer at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, London. After the presentation, there was an open forum to ask questions about how to overcome practical and process challenges in relation to iRefer implementation.

Writing a business case for Clinical Directors

Chaired by Dr Raman Uberoi, Medical Director for Professional Practice, The Royal College of Radiologists. Led by Stephen Griffiths, Radiology Services Projects Manager, Mid and South Essex University Hospitals Group, Basildon University Hospital.

The important voices of our radiology clinical directors

Dr Raman Uberoi gives an overview of Clinical Directors Day, March 2024 – a full-day face-to-face programme which explored the current topics and challenges faced by clinical directors. 

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Dr Raman Uberoi