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Professional networks

The RCR facilitates and supports a number of professional networks, which are interconnected spaces for members to collaborate over a shared purpose. The ultimate aim is for the networks to support members in their professional practice.

Being part of a professional network:

This will allow you to:

  • Share knowledge, views and experiences with your peers 
  • Learn good practices in clinical oncology and clinical radiology  
  • Feed intelligence and insights back to the RCR 
  • Feel a sense of belonging to the network and College 

Professional networks

The Professional Networks team provides the administrative and secretariat support for all of our professional networks. This includes liaising with network leads, planning and organisation of events (including webinars) and leading on communication to and in between network members.

If you would like to join or be involved in any of the professional networks, please email the team: [email protected]

Clinical Directors Network

The Clinical Directors Professional Network has been established to develop a professional community of practice for those responsible for the day to day running of clinical radiology services.

Heads of Service

The Heads of Service network is a supportive group for clinicians responsible for the day to day running of clinical oncology services.

Imaging Network Leads

The Imaging Network Leads liaison group has been established to provide regular liaison between the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and across the four nations.

Radiology Resident Doctors Forum (RRDF)

The Radiology Resident Doctors Forum (RRDF) - formerly the Junior Radiologists Forum (JRF), is an elected body of residents doctors. It represents the interests of all clinical radiology residents within the College and facilitates communication, as well as ensuring the involvement of residents in the College's work.

Heads of UK Training (Clinical Radiology)

Details of the Heads of UK Training (Clinical Radiology) committee members.

Heads of UK Training (Clinical Oncology)

Details of the Heads of UK Training (Clinical Oncology) committee members.

Oncology Registrars' Forum

The Oncology Registrars’ Forum (ORF) is an elected body of trainees. It represents trainee interests in the College and facilitates communication between trainees and the College.


In collaboration with the Widening Participation Medics Network (WPMN), we have formed RadReach, an initiative encouraging under-represented groups to choose a career in clinical oncology or clinical radiology.

Discover RadReach

Our RadReach scheme encourages those from under-represented groups to choose a career in radiology or clinical oncology. Find out more about how to become a mentor or mentee.